Need Help In Search For A Laptop

Any reason you are sticking with a laptop? Specifically going by the fact you stated no gaming.

In most of my use cases, I can get by with a phone or tablet for most of the movie, social media, web browsing etc (you can even add a keyboard too if you prefer a real keyboard).

If I need more power for real applications, I usually just go desktop. More powerful, easier to upgrade (if you do) and seem to last longer.

FYI - I am in my 50s and if I did still game, I would be tablet and phone only.

I didnā€™t even know Intel was making GPUs now.

Oh I was just pointing more at the Predators themselves, not necessarily that specific one. I figured there were ones with better specs elsewhere. It was just the quickest link. Sorry for the confusion. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope to find some help here, thought I would try and post in hopes to find a PC/Laptop genius lol.

So Computers/PCs I have no issue knowing what parts are the best of the best and I know the basics on what is needed in a PC, my gaming PC is top quality from its graphics card, processor, ram, etc which is easy for me to figure out as I overkilled my PC to make sure it works since I could afford it.

However this is a different case, this laptop I am looking for will not be used for gaming, just simple web browsing, social media, watching videos, editing pictures and videos on a very small scale but the most ram/memory usage the laptop will need to handle is website building/editing. (This isnā€™t going to be my laptop this is what they need it for).

I have had issue after issue getting a laptop but two laptops ago they had a terrible i3 intel 8gb ram no graphics card laptop that barely lasted a couple months before slowing down and being useless. So seeing as my PC is intel i7, 2060 (now have a 3060), 16gb ram and that would be a huge overkill for them I assumed they couldā€™ve gotten away with an intel i5 8gb ram no graphics card laptop which is an upgrade from their prior one, now it worked but not for long :confused: they still use it to this day this was back in 2016 but it is slow a.f.

So, can anyone suggest me what they think would workā€¦ or what I am missing here. I know Processor, Ram and GPUs are the main to look at. Storage space, RGB lol, etc idc about as they donā€™t need much storage and the rest is usually standard.

Thanks for anyone that can help, Surface Pros, Chromebooks, etc seem terrible by looking at the parts lol so my question is, intel wise should I go with the i7ā€¦ do they need an i7? Ram wise shouldnā€™t 8gb be enough? My PC uses 16gb but thats because I doing a ton of stuff. Lastly is not having a graphics card what is killing their prior laptops? Meaning they get the standard built in terribad ones from bestbuy and such. If soā€¦ GPUs for laptops confuse me since I dont pay attention to them much, now I know geforce cards by heart but they would be overkill for what they are using it for, I do see Intel Iris XE cards in a lot of higher end non gaming PCs, would those suffice? Or just grab an overkilled intel :confused:

Trying to save money as well.

You can get yourself a cheap laptop (I recommend Asus) for as low as $300.

This is what I got:
h ttps://

Something made for simple school work, web surfing, and social media. Iā€™m sure your editing software could handle this too.

Though social media I usually do on my phone. This will only cost you $219.

I love my gaming PC. But for work and general use, I have a MacBook Pro. My son has a MacBook Air that heā€™s had for about four years now, still going strong.

I highly recommend giving them a thought. When my gaming PC was down, I played wow on my pro. It handled the game fine. It wasnā€™t great, but I could still play anyway.

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Thank you for the responses,

So the issue I find is, the last two laptops they used that I suggested both became super slow after a few months roughly 3-6 months you start to notice them get slower and worst over time.

The Asus mentioned above in my eyes it a lot worse than what they got when they got them new. Now since she only uses the laptop for the basics plus website development/creating a gaming PC like I have would be overkill and I know they donā€™t want to spend a whole lot on a laptop but are willing to if needed. 2 laptops ago they had an i3, 8gb ram, 480gb storage roughly standard bestbuy HP laptop that was like around $200-$300. That one didnā€™t last long at all, now the current one still survived the 4 years they have had it but it is such a pain to use, so I assumed well the i3 didnā€™t work lets just upgrade the processor to an i5 with same ram and storage, and these are the latest intel processors when purchased nothing old and same price around $200-$300.

Now I know top tier PC parts for gaming since that is what I look for in a PC, gaming, video editing, etc I put my PC through demands and know what I need, however bottom tier parts I donā€™t know much about since I never have to look at them.

For example not that this is what they would get but h ttps:// Razers cheapest laptop I wanted to use as a blueprint to send to someone I donā€™t know anything about Intels Iris GPUs or if it is any good since I focus on Geforces for me. Also I sent these speccs to a few people they said I might need to get an i7 3060geforce to run what I need and was like ummm noā€¦ Cause that would be better than my i7 2060 and my i7 2060 is overkill for them lol.

So yea, still searching for help as I want to compile a few peoples thoughts.

Thank You!

Good luck to you and whatever you do keep in my Asusā€™s customer service is beyond abysmal. They make decent products if you can get one that works.

Dell makes some good laptops and HP has also improved a lot over the years from what I hear. You can customize most of them to fit your budget.

iā€™ve used Dell laptops for the past 20 years. their web store typically is decent at recommending price vs power on up gradable components they offer in their laptops. for even cheaper deals they have a scratch and dent outlet store, but iā€™d only recommend that to advanced shoppers

only real downside for me with Dells are the amount of pre installed bloat ware they ship with

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I would recommend going to reddit to the pcmasterrace subreddit and ask there.

pcmasterrace have posted 8 posts in over 4 weeks not one single response lol

Also if you are going to suggest something please know what you are suggesting please, I am trying to figure out what I need parts wise and then to look for a laptop as I want to know why the prior 2 laptops didnt do what they were supposed to do :confused:

Saying go buy a Dell, HP or Asus or anything else wonā€™t help me since that isnā€™t my question lol

It took me a good 4 minutes to work out what was going on in your forum avatar.

8gb should be ok if theyā€™re not doing anything graphic intense. I donā€™t know how demanding the editing software they use is. If itā€™s not that much more to upgrade to 16gb, Iā€™d just go for it. Better safe than sorry.

i7 anything probably isnā€™t necessary for what itā€™s being used for. And even if they do more editing, honestly the time saved on rendering amounts to very little unless youā€™re doing pretty big projects.

A standalone gfx card might take a little strain off the laptop, but I donā€™t know how much it would really help if itā€™s not being used much with them just browsing Twitter. Might help if they watch a lot of movies and stuff some though.

Two things to note are the battery and cooling though. That was always the bane of our laptops existences. My wife has gone through several and always ended up needing to use them while they were plugged in at the end. lol

Get a good battery, and get some kind of cooling mat (worth spending some money on a good one) because overheating will definitely slow it down.

Thanks this is an answer I was looking for and my friend has had the same experience lol

So now that I understand more about ram and CPU usage 1 question on GPU if anyone can answer for me.

Not sure 100% what GPU they have all I know is it is a standard built in one that you would get from a bestbuy laptop,

My question is if a gpu might help a bit I know the AMDs and Geforces since I game on my PCs but a laptop they are looking at has an IntelĀ® IrisĀ® Xe Graphics card are these any good? I am sure they are better than a standard built in one but is it worth the extra money for it?

Also 1 more question

  1. Nvidia
  2. AMD
  3. Asus
  4. Intel
  5. EVGA
  6. Gigabyte
  7. MSI
    ā€¦ I can list more

WHat I dont get is besides Intel and AMD the rest just use Nvidia GPUs and rebrand them :confused: so besides Nvidia, AMD and Intel what other actual GPU companies are there? Or are they the main 3

Are like

For both the CPU and GPUs Nvidia and AMD are the big boys. You will find a lot of variations of them made by different companies like ASUS, EVGA, or MSI etc., but itā€™s going to essentially be the same card. The difference will just be the quality of the physical card. Some will have different heat sinks or fans etcā€¦ Some will test slightly better, but itā€™s usually so insignificant it doesnā€™t matter unless youā€™re a PC snob or youā€™re doing a comparison for a Youtube channel. lol

Most of the big players are pretty solid quality, but everyone has their favorite. Like Iā€™ve heard people say they hate EVGA, but I used an EVGA GPU in a PC I built 6 years ago and itā€™s still running like a champ.

Itā€™s hard to miss these days on brands because the fierce competition keeps them constantly improving. Itā€™s more about finding something that fits the specs you need and is within your budget. I wouldnā€™t worry terribly about one brand or another as long as itā€™s a respected one. Most of the ones you listed would be fine.

Just donā€™t get like, some weird offbrand off Amazon just because itā€™s cheap. lol No ā€œChippytek Mega Seriesā€ cards. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you thats what I assumed :smiley:

Last question-
If a gpu might help a bit I know the AMDs and Geforces since I game on my PCs but a laptop they are looking at has an

IntelĀ® IrisĀ® Xe Graphics card

are these any good? I am sure they are better than a standard built in one but is it worth the extra money for it?

Get one of the new MacBook Pro M1X that are rumored to be announced on the 18th. Plenty of power for a non-gaming computer and wonā€™t break the bank.

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sorry but apple is chit lol

Intel graphics cards are integrated onto the board. They are powerful enough for some games but the performance is terrible. Stick to a dedicated card typically Nvidia or AMD if you can.

Not my laptop not gamingā€¦

So hard to find someone who can see what this laptop is getting used for and helpā€¦