Can I get a specific answer for Issue ID #98236921
I keep getting AI fluff (100% match per several AI checkers) and not a real answer.
Or to put it another way, I’ve asked AI to write a response in the same style I received:
Dear GM,
Thank you for your incredibly kind response! I must say, your robotic dedication to customer service is truly exceptional. Your Gnomish engineering is unparalleled. It’s heartwarming to know that your creators programmed you to acknowledge my years spent in Azeroth and that they haven’t gone unnoticed. I feel so valued as a player!
I’ve carefully studied the provided support article, as I did the previous ones provided in earlier responses, and while informative, it seems there may be some nuances in my Recruit a Friend situation that require a slightly more…personalized touch. Perhaps a human perspective could shed light on some of the finer details?
I’m so grateful for your assistance, and for the opportunity to connect with a real person. After all, sometimes there’s no substitute for the human element of problem-solving!
With hopeful anticipation,
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Sigh - there are no AI answering tickets. People really need to get over this dribble and realise the difference between AI and template responses.
What happened with the RAF system?
Can you not recruit someone.
Are you receiving different rewards then you though?
Are you not receiving rewards as fast as you thought?
This forum is not a bypass to the ticket system, no GM staff monitor it directly, but a Mod or your fellow players might be able to provide a reason why you are receiving the answers you did.
Generally speaking, each ticket is responded to by a human, they may use template tickets but not AI.
There are more, but I am only guessing based on your response.
Understand though, abusing the GM staff is not really a good idea.
Thank you for your well written post! I have carefully read it and have determined that while it clearly expresses your opinion, it does not provide any information on your actual issue.
Could you please shed some light on the specific issue you are having with the RaF program? Without that information a personalized response is impossible here.
hands out coffee 
First, GMs do not partake on these forums, or really any forums in general. While they will read feedback in the proper forums they rarely if ever respond. They certainly won’t have a reply on tickets currently being worked on.
That includes this forum: The blues are customer service reps and while they can often shed additional light on issues they are not GMs. This is primarily a player-assisting-player forum.
Second, in the support field templates offering online resources to help resolve the issue yourself are often the first go-to in regards to troubleshooting. While I understand the desire to actually talk to someone (One too many times have I been stuck in a loop while using automatic phone help in regards to prescriptions for example) if one can offer tools for a customer to help themselves that saves time for everyone involved.
Third and most concerning, being snarky with the GM because they’re using a template is not going to help you. In fact it will probably do the opposite. In your sarcastic reply you fail to mention what, exactly, your issue is so it’s not like anyone here can provide help.
Maybe back away for a bit, take a breather and come back with a clearer head and detail what you have tried. Best case someone can post a suggestion to help you further. Worse case they can try to point you in a direction that can provide further assistance.
Here’s hoping you get the assistance you require.
If they do it on their own time, sure. Otherwise GMs are not tasked to read the forums at all for their job. Their job is to answer tickets that are submitted for all Blizzard games and services.
Indeed. Lots of words in the first post, but nothing that states what the actual specific issue is! Makes it hard for anyone to even point someone in the right direction.
It comes across as demanding to see a manager. We all understand how that works out.
The only AI “fluff”, as it were, has been your post, Ferratus. We don’t use AI to answer tickets, we never have. I get AI is the latest thing folks are talking about, but it isn’t as prevalent as everyone thinks it is.
With that said, I am sorry for the responses you have been receiving, they definitely could have been stated clearer.
Your issue, the reason you haven’t received any rewards from your most recent Recruit is because while your Recruit successfully used the link you sent, they didn’t add game time to that WoW license that was linked. They created the link with their WoW#2 license but game time to WoW#3 (which isn’t linked through RAF).