Need a new game

After Season of Discovery and now Remix and the LOOOOOONG history of exploits and the gains from them not being removed I’m tired of this.

Is there a decent MMO out there that actually takes action of this stuff to keep balance, protect player economy, etc…?


checks notes
ffxiv, gw2, lost ark, new world

all u got mate there aint nothing out lol


New World? isnt that an exploiters paradise?


lolno. Bliz is, oddly enough, the best at dealing with it. A lot less illegal stuff goes on in this mmo than others. Lookin at you, final fantasy rp community.


Final Fantasy 14 is amazing. It starts off rather slow, but towards the end of ARR and onwards, it gets really great. It’s definitely a very story-driven game, so if you don’t like reading and watching cutscenes, it might not be for you. However, you also get player housing, tons of customization options with sliders and color palettes etc., dungeons, raids, lots of mini-games, etc.

Otherwise, Guild Wars 2 or Black Desert might be something for you. I have no idea what’s going on with New World, but it seems to have lost a lot of its player base.

Starfield just had a big update and added a lot of quality of life things to the game.

MMOs are going extinct. Unless you count that gacha stuff (I don’t)

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Can you think of an mmo or any other online game that hasn’t been exploited?

My biggest issue is the integrity of the game, I’m tired of blizzard not taking strict enough action (in my opinion) on exploits, botting, etc…

Just looking for an mmo that takes a heavy handed approach I guess. Maybe what I want doesnt exist.


My other game right now is Team Fight Tactics.
It’s the type of game I love or hate depending on the season mechanic (and Meta). This season is good and the meta shakes up a little every week so its kept it fun.

In regards to MMO’s specifically, eh, not really a great scene.
Cata launches today if you care.

What you should have wrote was

“hey guys, I don’t really care, but I am gonna pretend post that I am outraged about a meaningless mode and need a new game”


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If your not happy with any of the games out there then you have one really good alternative. Download a compiler for your favorite computer language, write a game, form a company around it and show us all how it’s done.

the options are wow Cata or FF14 maybe GW2

nothing else left in the list. and the ones coming out “eventually” are prob going to have something like this be a feature not a bug. so… :dracthyr_shrug:

It doesn’t, because they go out of business.

I tried Black Desert. The graphics are really nice, and the customization options, as far as I know, are far better than in most other games, but it almost fried my PC, and I didn’t feel like upgrading at that time. So yeah, I don’t really know how it is now xD

So far I’ve been pretty satisfied with FFXIV. There’s no PTR or a wowhead-like website, so content is fresh and fun for everyone when it releases - and it runs smoothly at the same time. No weird day 1 bugs and exploits. Economy is great and balanced out very well; it’s easy for casual players to get a lot of gold without having to grind too much for it and battle against bots and goblins.
They have a functioning customer support, the community is SUPER friendly und patient, especially with newbies. And if there is any problem it gets adressed pretty quickly by the devs. I feel like my time is respected there and that they appreciate their customers.

Have you ever seen what’s going on in Goldshire and the RP community of WoW?


In remix? What economy?

It’s worse than the stuff happening in WoW, because it’s not WoW, so it must be worse. Obviously!

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No need to compare. They’re both cesspools.