Need a new game

Guild wars 2 is not a good game. There’s not that much that is great about it apart from its combat. Three expansions and an original story that was really bland and unexciting.

The only real cooperation you’ll need in the game is for WvW and raids, even then WvW is just you running around 80% of the time fighting wooden gates, and raiding is discontinued because they made their focus audience people who are only catered to open world PvE. PvP is the only good game mode that’s actually enjoyable, but it’s really rage inducing.

The economy is probably the best thing to do, getting gold in guild wars is hard, alot more than wow. But in order to get rich you have to actually work with other people and rely on ways to escape the tax system they put in the game.

In both cases, however, you only encounter it if you specifically seek it out. You know which place to avoid. So, it’s ridiculous to bring this up as a point of criticism when WoW is no better in this regard. :woman_shrugging:

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I play SWTOR and Palia. Depends on what you want out of a game, OP.

I mean… not really. I’ve been part of WoW’s RP community for many, many years and for 2 years in FFXIV. Most members of these communities are completely fine and normal people. It’s the few crazy morons who even dare to put their filth in public that are destroying the reputation. Goldshires and other creeps are generally pretty much hated by the rest of the RP community.

We could also argue that the raiding, M+ and PvP communities are all cesspools because toxic elitists exist.

Not everybody is a bad apple in the bunch, I know. They’re still toxic af. in the rp atmosphere. As you said, same with M+ and pvp communities.

They all have their bad apples. Same with ffxiv.

Yeah it sure is something.

Yeah, I don’t really get the point, sorry. :smile: Everywhere you go in life there will be toxic people.
But it’s a fact that Square Enix takes toxicity pretty serious, so the new player experience or just dungeons and LFR as a whole feels completely different. The toxicity in FFXIV is more prevalent in small discord communities where the drama is happening, while in WoW it’s just the norm in every content. I’ve never not witnessed the LFR chat turn into a bar fight sooner or later with people complaining or leaving the group after a wipe. In FFXIV this basically doesn’t really happen because players know they will actually get banned if they are toxic or call out someone’s DPS.

Not really. Its a dying genre.

And here I thought we were on the same wavelength… why are you giving me nightmare fuel now? :fearful:

No, but in general, you can do a lot with your character in that game. From muscles to the face, etc. It’s pretty amazing in that regard.

To be fair, it’s worth noting that Enix removes toxic players much faster than Blizz, who often seem uninterested or simply lack the staff for it. As a result, I think FF players are generally more careful about how they express themselves, even when they’re angry, whereas in WoW, almost everything ends up unfiltered in the chat because there are little to no consequences.

Dayum! :grin:


For real, that wasn’t a criticism. That’s from Monster Factory on youtube. They deliberately make nasty boys, but it also does a great job of showing the immense customisation options in that game.

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I like gw2 and I do open world pve and story! I’m in end of dragons expac rn. :face_holding_back_tears::cloud_with_rain:

The fox is just proof that not all heroes wear capes


If he’s worried about player economy he might want to avoid the MMO called Real Life

What, you don’t like paying $50 for a pound of 80/20 ground ground beef.

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I wish I could get into that game again. The map is so huge now and I never unlocked flying. It just seems daunting to get back into.

I’d say the free server for DAoC if you are into oldschool pvp, but that game is now littered with stealther alts. You think it’s bad in WoW you haven’t seen nothing.

And getting run down by groups that have a speed class gets old. The developers of the free server refuse to give everyone a mount that runs at same speed, so you always need to have a speed class in your group. Makes playing any class miserable cause you can’t avoid being ganked by those groups.

If all you want to do is PvE it’s just OK, if that. PvP is the worst i’ve ever seen. lol Never believe anyone who says NW is great.

ESO is doing great as well.