Necromancer or Tinkerer?

Tinker would be my personal choice! I’d also love to see Necromancer. Just not really sure how Blizzard would implement it. Almost seems like it would make a nice 4th spec for Warlock, while Demonology could get a revamp.

I know Bard is also a big request but I’d really like to see it as a profession.

They don’t really care about class design as much as they used to and builder/spender is much easier to design than anything else. Honestly could also be that the current devs just don’t know how to design a good class anymore. It’s really sad. It seems in general they don’t focus on the core gameplay aspects anymore. They’re too focused on external power systems and content to extend gameplay rather than just letting us play the game we love.

I want both, will take either. As someone who spends most of my game time, screwing around with alts, it would be refreshing…

Might also encourage me to work on alliance alts. Those KTs aren’t going to level themselves but maaaaaan I really don’t want a fifth warrior or third druid etc etc

bring on the dragon race

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Necromancer if and only if they’re a four spec class based on the shadowlands covenants.

If they’re just your generic scourge necromancer, pass. We already have death knights.

Demo Warlock exists. Go to character creation screen and take a look.

If they make a “Tinker” class (dumb name btw) it should only be available to Goblins and gnomes. Elves don’t need everything the game has catered to them.

Thanks for your input.

… and add a fourth specialization for the monk giving the possibility of being rank dps, and a fourth specialization for the priest giving him the possibility of being rank dps but using light. That would be a dream.

Yes to both.

Not the same. In no universe are demons the same as undead.

You said cloth wearer with minions. I quoted you. It is already in the game. Check mate.

So edgy. You are the sharpest.

Are you denying that this is what you requested?

Bard (for all races) AND Tinker (for Gobbies n Gnomes).

bard or tinker… although maybe the class should be Artisan… and bard and tinker are specs? you could ad some variant of archeologist as a third spec?!?@
tinkers-tank through gadgets-minion bots and exosives. gadgets
bards -heal through using peacefull melody and sounds pitch could be a fun cc spec.on top of that
archeologist-dps through learning the old art forms of aincent smith’s and scribes could. like a class dedicated to deleted spells and attacks from over the years even if they were borrowed power traits rescaled

Necromancer… but for now I’m making one out of a Unholy Death Knight

Id rather have Bard actually, it would at least have the benefit of being different. Tinkers, a bit too close to engineering class, Necromancer, would need to borrow/steal a lot of stuff from other classes.

A cleverly designed Bard could be a lot of fun to play.

I agree, partially. I love the flavor and concept of the troll shadow hunters. However, I also think that the game doesn’t need a third class with “hunter” in its name.

We don’t really have a “Witch Doctor” class anymore, since modern Shamans lean fully into the Elemental side of their class fantasy, virtually ignoring the tribal leader tone.

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