Necromancer as fourth spec for warlock

With the Dracthyr getting a third spec (Augmentation), warlock could get a fouth spec too and it could be necromancy.

What do you think about this?






Unholy DKs are already basically necromancers, so no

…But if it means another class gets a new spec before DHs get a third spec, then yes


DKs come with the Raise Ally ability that’s makes them closest to being necromancers.

But priests could also be given the spec with their Ressurection ability.

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Nah, give DKs a ranged 4th spec so we can get another tank with a ranged dps spec as a backup option. Besides, UH dk are already melee necromancers and they deal more with raising the dead than warlocks do.


And Army of the Dead


Raising the dead is a DK thing.
I want a healing spec given to warlocks :slight_smile:

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And Control Undead, which is literally Necromancer’s whole thing


Why not a mage? oh hack,that could be a cool tank spec. weee…reee!

Imagine a story of one going mad with all that POWER! Which will go will with lore ,yes,let’s have a mad mage again!

The first picture you posted is literally a Death Knight. Which sums up my overall opinion on the matter.

But also the second picture is Drain Soul lol.


It could have been fun to get this spec for warlock but it seems it won’t be possible with what I see here :cry:

DKs are necromancers

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If Blizz wanted to make it work, they’d make it work by either gutting those DK abilities and giving them to warlocks or coming up an ability that mimics the DKs.

You want another spec to be robbed off by other classes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Give Warlocks the Metamorphosis Tank spec. We don’t need another DPS, and Warlocks…don’t heal.

I mean, even if we could…we wouldn’t. We start fires, not put them out.

Hi, necromancer here

I don’t want to be turned to a warlock spec

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Giving warlocks meta back again would be rad because if any warlock race can handle becoming a demon, they should also be able to handle becoming a Demon Hunter. And Tauren Demon Hunters are what we really need.

Someone has been playing Diablo 4, I see.

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Pfft. Legion Affliction Warlock was the strongest healer in the game!

Warlock wouldn’t need it as a spec. Make it like a class skin that makes fire purple, chaos bolt is now bone-spear. Minions are undead and so on.

Otherwise necromancer would work better as a caster spec for death knights.

It couldn’t be a mage because in wow lore, necromancy is one of the magics that mages teach each other never to play with. At least the kirin Tor does and everyone is in the kirin Tor now. Even vulpera and zandalari trolls.