Necrolord Warrior

:100:% agree, and thatā€™s why I think we need to push to make Glory the primary benefit of the covenant via stacking Strength buff for 30 secondsā€“that part of the ability is not limited to the radius. The radial team buff is a secondary benefit (thatā€™s wholly unreliable but a niche benefit to players looking to support their team and offset the 2-3% gap between Glory and Condemn).

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Very excellent insights, guys.

There is a soulbind power that will give a bonus 5 glory upon launching the banner but perhaps making that default will make up for the unreliability of the banner in addition to shortening the cooldown. This way, popping it becomes part of the regular rotation and its static nature isnā€™t so much of a problem as you can carry that bonus with you rather than seeing it quickly become defunct if the raid boss/player moves out of the ring.

The problem now though is Glory is crit damage. If you can achieve 30 stacks at 20% crit, thatā€™s a 3% benefit for the duration (+15% damage x 20% chance), and uptime is around 17% ā€“ a net 0.5% over no covenant at all.

(Further, the crit damage benefit is mostly happening after the crit chance benefit is already gone as it stacks over the CD to maximum benefit at the end of the banner effect.)

I cover why 30% crit damage is a 15% damage buff in the thread I linked above. Further, you will likely achieve only 10-15 stacks per use, halving the benefit.

Yeah I think I hit 20 stacks once but it was doing a WQ with a lot of easy to kill little dudes.

None of the warriors in my guild chose Venthyr for me to do an exact comparison, but the Kyrian arms warrior who was about 15 iLevels under me in raid was doing close to the exact same damage as me the other day. Sure there are many reasons for this (Skill being part) but I could see the spear on his damage list at like 5th, thats damage Iā€™m not getting to do, and the buff from the banner isnā€™t helping me.

Maybe there are better conduits down the line but I would love to see some tweeking on this.

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holy s that is depressing to read 0.5% over no covenant? :rofl: :sob: :joy:

the Maldraxxus spell should be AoE Spikes being shot from the ground when you whirlwind inducing a bleed, something like that, not some lame @$$ shield. I wanted to go Maldraxxus, it was my favorite zone by far, just couldnt ignore how fun condemn is. I love Drakaā€™s storyline, I love the whole idea of a zone in constant warfare because thats how they prove their loyalty and feelty to the Shadowlands

I did a time analysis for it as well in the linked thread. There used 15% crit, since I was running <10% at the time but have since pushed to 15% (so I bumped up my ā€œbest caseā€ bar in the current thread).

The effect of Glory rewards 1s of kill time benefit for each Conquerorā€™s Banner activation (180s cooldown). You will, however, get a little more benefit from the critical effect chance of the banner itself, so donā€™t think the ability in total is worth throwing outā€¦ but even that, assuming 1% crit is 1% damage is something like 10%x3 DPS targets for 30% gain on again 11% uptime, so ~3.3%. The total is something like 4% over no covenant for a party where ideal targets are selected by banner party aura, or 1.6% over no covenant for the player themselves.

This is why I think itā€™s so important to improve the baseline effect of Glory. Otherwise, itā€™s basically like taking no covenant for yourself in the majority of the effect (and is worse than taking no covenant if your party runs out of the aura or a ground AoE is dropped into it, as youā€™ve wasted the 1.5s GCD on the <1s kill time benefit from Glory).

Again, sims will probably still give it a little bit more benefit because those can be scheduled to align cooldowns better than my ā€œpure math generalizationsā€ do; however, even those fail to account for the real situations where other players run out or youā€™re unable to stand in the effect because of a ground AoE.