Necklace should be obtainable in LFR

Yeah I don’t really need an essay here. I’m not a “raider.” That puts me in the majority. I just bailed on a run halfway through ToT normal after spending WAY. TOO. LONG in one instance. No wipes, it’s just too much to ask every player to do one lap of all normal raids with that kind of time commitment in 2024.

People who raid above LFR clearly take their disposable time for granted, and this is too high a shelf for a whole gear slot. I went to the adventure guide to read the specifics of the fight we were about to pull (again, not a raider) and saw we were only half way through the raid, and noped out.

I know people will disagree, but I’m not crazy to find it nuts to be asked to have an interdependent gaming session that lasts that long. Multiples of them even.

There is no good reason that this entire gear slot can’t be allocated to be achieveable in LFR. I’m disappointed at the devs for thinking otherwise, and we have not been permitted the power in this mode to handwave away this barrier to, once again, a whole gear slot. The rings and trinkets are reasonably gated. The necklace is not. The devs are out of touch here.

That’s my opinion.

EDIT to add, after some “research”:


100% agree! I can barely get time for 1 wing of LFR before my kids, dog, or wife need something. Much less a full normal raid. Make normal achievement grant cosmetics and put necklace behind LFR achievement.


I agree, should be LFR earnable.
The damn jewelry achievements should also be account wide imo


Yeah, since the rings/trinkets/amulets can’t be upgraded normally either, something they could’ve done is put the amulet in LFR, and have clearing higher difficulties allow them to be upgraded to a certain ilvl.


Just for my curiosity, exactly how long should someone spend in an instance to get a reward in 2024?


Yeah this is a really questionable decision. Everything else is earnable through queued content and jewelery doesnt scale up like armor does; so to lock it behind normal rather than LFR and make some people weaker for it is…such an odd decisoon.


With all due respect, your disconnect IMHO is classifying THE ENTIRE NECKLACE SLOT as a “reward.” It should be a baseline acquisition in the main thoroughfare of the game, which the other jewelry slots reasonably fall under.

Again, just my opinion.


They sure as heck shouldn’t force you to do it in one sitting by making normal raids function like Mythic Raids with a strict instance ID. According to the wiki, retail Throne of Thunder doesn’t even work that way.


I think that has more to do with the daily reset for raids. Would you rather these raids have their weekly lockout?

I mean. I obviously agree (I made a post along the same lines days ago). It’s unfortunate that the level of effort is so much higher than every other slot.


I agree it should be.

No point in locking the necklace behind normal/mythic raids.

As was already pointed out, not everyone has time to raid, or else we would.


Very much agree!

True story:

I WAS ENJOYING THE RUN! I was like “DOING IT!” I was so proud of me, I was like “Man, I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna do a normal raid on par I’m-”

Wait there are HOW many bosses left? And “the hard one” the “wait until we get to THIS one” boss is still to come? And a healer just left, and a tank, and we’re taking a break? What is this my D&D campaign’s intermission? I just need a necklace!

So I left.

So I can do it, I can really do it, but not on a revolving door of strangers’ time for that long. I just… no. Homie don’t play that, you know?

LFR is assembled by “the game.” it’s a transaction with “the game” and I can quest while in queue. I’m sorry but I don’t need an entire gear slot to be a transaction with the community. Not for content that’s that long. That’s the line.

I could do normal terrace every day. Sometimes I do because I want the golden dragon sword. But throne? SIEGE? Nope. No way.


Don’t forget instance locks making it very unattractive for anyone wanting to do the raids to join in a partial one.

Yeah it needs to be in LFR. I completed the damn thing but have yet to see a moment where I feel fast, fun, and OP.


Could it be offered through LFR without much consequence and possibly improve the experience for a lot of people? Sure

But it’s not progression content, you don’t need every gear slot filled to be powerful, and if you can’t even finish the normal run, you really actually don’t need it because you aren’t going to be doing anything more difficult


You know what? This is literally my philosophy with NUMBER LEVELS in the modern game. I’m not raiding, so I can stop my ilvl here and move on to an alt.

And yeah, maybe this is just an obsession of perspective from my end, but a gear slot is not the same as “make the number go up” ilvl capitalism. It’s a hole that I can fill in every other mode, and no, this mode doesn’t (in my opinion) get to ask me to deviate from that without some pushback, thus this thread.


Like I said, I’m not against the idea of giving it out for LFR, just from an individual level, you can still have a good experience without it

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For me it’s not about iLevel, and I’m more than willing to do the work and slog through a long raid for the sake of completing the achievement.

My frustration is now I have a 70 running around with incomplete gear because they’ve only given one option for farming it. If it were just a cosmetic I wouldn’t worry about it, but this isn’t trivial.

I can’t complete the meta thanks to gate-checking premades auto declining anyone that isn’t a lowbie (for scaling damage), or an over-geared Frogger for a carry. It’s hard not to feel slapped for actually having played the game as intended.

If they’d allow LFR to count, I’d have it done in a day. And yes, the jewelry should absolutely be account-wide for alts.


I already full cleared normal for the necklace.

Yes it should be from LFR.


Given that Blizzard has stated that they want to be more ALT friendly and support solo players it is really odd that they didn’t make the necklace available from LFR and it’s odd that they didn’t make the achievements account wide. Just seems to be counter to their stated goals with the game…


A valid point. I realize it’s still early in the event, and they’ve been fast with hotfixing, so I’m holding out hope this may see a revision too. I just want the same opportunity to earn my gear as the “exploit early and often” crowd.