Dark Animus is an unreasonable barrier

OK this is worth its own topic before I derail my own thread about how normal raids are an unreasonable barrier for the necklace ( you can find it here ), which I stand by for one very specific reason.

I will concede that, SoO and ToT time sinks aside, most raids on normal are just “LFR with fewer people,” I will give you that and yes, it’s reasonble to just knock them out, but I spent an hour this morning learning that the true, absolute barrier for getting the neck slot unlocked is in fact the need to “bond with a bunch of strangers” to get past dark animus which, in comparison to how every “main thoroughfare achievement” in remix works, is utterly unreasonable.

LFR dark animus is a zerg, as it should be. Normal needs to be like this too if it’s going to gate the necklace slot.

That hour I spent this morning in a group that was very patient with me, ended up dissolving at the end of that hour and many wipes, not to mention a revolving door. I joined the group (whose lockout was indeed at Animus) because I have up to Ji Kun normal completed, and have heard that Dark Animus IS in itself the barrier to the necklace. I unfortuantely learned “don’t join a group at animus, because they probably are there because they can’t beat animus,” and that’s… that’s ridiculous.

If it wasn’t a deep boss, it wouldn’t be so unreasonable to resort to “join fresh groups and hope they have rolfstomp level gear for trivializing animus,” but that IS the game to get this raid done with a PUG now, and that’s just ridiculous. You don’t know if you’ll be successful for almost an hour into the raid.

Make the necklace available on LFR or nerf Dark Animus. No way an entire gear slot should be on this high a shelf, as I’ve stated elsewhere, but that shelf is not consistent across normal remix raiding. Normal remix raiding is indeed “LFR with fewer people,” with the exception of animus. Animus is ridiculous, and deep in arguably the longest raid. It needs to change.

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Just do it in a 10 man group and dump the anima into broken ones?

Its the most hassle free way of clearing it.


Or you could just do the old mechanic of each DPS pulling a small add to the side and solo’ing it away from everyone else ( they hit for 13k when not buffed by others) and then doing it normally.

But Y’know, life’s hard.

I’m not that good and it was knocked out first try. Someone pulled while raid leader explained. Only 3 people died.

TLDR: please nerf Dark Animus, mechanics are too hard (even tho players beat this content a decade ago).

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I do not agree that normal raids are an unreasonable barrier.

MoP:R is a 90 day event and you have plenty of time to farm and progress your character power.

Its unfortunate that becuase 1 fight in the entirety of ToT requires a RL to give a brief 3 minute explanation that requires everyone to adhere to it, you think the entire fight needs to change.

If you have one geared player and your tanks aren’t made of paper, the cheese strat of killing the deactivated next to boss to pop him instantly and zerg him is the way to go and fairly fool-proof.

Blizzard: Best we can do is nerf ward and slay.

Arent you thankful?

Ya think ya do, but ya dont.

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Slay was fine in that state too, IMO. It was a fun gimmick reward for both boss and add kills, but had zero effect on the “pinnacle” boss (Garrosh).

You can’t actually do the 25-man versions of any of the MoP raids before SoO (and SoO no longer has “25-man”), so 10-man was what the OP was referring to.