Necessary resistance gear?

As a tank, how much of what resistances are we staring down for Phase 2? I’m told we need someone with massive frost, someone with massive nature, and someone with massive fire resist (the frost and nature being unable to overlap).

How much is needed? Cap? 75? 150? Just curious if anyone knows more than I do.

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bout tree fiddy


Thoinks a lot. (See what I did there?)

Problem is, I’m not sure if 350 is correct or you being funny, because I’ve heard multiple answers on this.

Hasn’t been enough testing to know yet. For phase 2 on hydross you want to be crit immune since he cannot crush, but can crit. The amount of resistance is to be determined but 365 with buffs is the maximum if im not mistaken.

Massive frost and nature isn’t required, just dont let the stacks get to stupid levels.

Massive fire resist on the other hand is required. You’re looking at needing atleast 200 pre buffs.

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Music to my blacksmith ears…

warlocks are after the fire res gear.

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I definitely remember using a warrior on Leotheras in 365 fire resist.

I know some guilds used warlocks.

I assume paladin is actually best, exorcism and all that.

I also read warlocks do the FR.
Is there one that’s better for a warrior / druid / paladin to get?
I was considering grabbing fire but I’m ok with doing any of them. Just looking to get as much info as I can.

locks are superior tanks for it.

If you’ve got the tank in the raid anyway I assume it’s better for a warlock to be casting real damage spells instead of searing pain?

In other news the only kill of High Astromancer Solarian on the PTR had the whole raid in 250 arcane resist.

It’s not the bomb version, looks to be the second version of the boss.

Some dudes trying it with 0 arcane resist got wrecked

except that tanks not going to be generating any threat while he’s wearing stacked FR and unless they’re going to blow CD’s at the end of each demon phase they’re going to die.

Don’t see why unless they got super unlucky with stacks. They should have more Hp than a warlock and baseline 10% damage reduction. We killed it every week with a warrior tanking the demon.

It’s doable with a warrior. Lock just outputs alot more threat and has nether protection which means the stacks can potentially drop + inbuilt +20% healing.

Smart doom timing means you can get a massive threat lead aswell.

So let’s just look at numbers.
Fire Resist: Probably a warlock, maxed FR at 365 buffed.
Frost Resist: ?
Nature Resist: ?

Just wanna know what I’m up against. This is a lot of collecting so we’ll divvy it out among different tanks.

That’s pretty much it. Big thing with hydross is you don’t want to forgo too much damage gear as a tank because what’s going to wipe you is the boss changing phase because someone rips threat. 365 is probably what you want to hit but if you can get away with less you should. However healer agro is a big thing. If you’re taking too much dmg and a healer pulls off of you because they can’t stop or youll die then that’s just as big of an issue.

Hydross isn’t so much of a dps check. So if you want to be safe getting as much as you can would be best then going for less as you figure out your sweet spot. Dps can always chill out but healers dont always have that option.

If you make the epic plate crafted gear and ring + neck on Hydross you’re probably fine.

Difference between 300 and 365 is not huge.


1 tank needs frost the other needs nature, around 250-300. its not about your survivability its about reducing the amount of friendly fire damage youll do to the raid, im going to assume your healers are terrible, so go with 300 resist.

Resistance cap is 365 for a TBC boss mob.

Majority of resistance gear is crafted while the FR items are on the badge vendor (Yes, buy a few for Illidan before BT releases)

For LW I have no idea but plate wearers get the craftable resistance items through faction rep.

I lvl all my tailors crafting Kara arcane gear and kept it incase we got the real solarian. I’m getting paid if so!