As of like a week or two ago, I decided to make this toon my main. Dunno why my profile info says I’m still level 71.
Well, it’s been over an hour. Given that you had the best possible circumstances (Mega-server; Primetime; Tanking class; Very popular dungeon), this is a pretty poor showing for how easy it is to find a group. Imagine that each of those factors cuts your wait-time in half. Even on a mega-server, a relatively popular dungeon will take 4 hours to form a group for if you’re not a tank and it’s not primetime.
Lol? Why do I need excuses? The fact that it’s been well over an hour and they still haven’t found a group, even with all of the stars aligned in their favor, speaks for itself.
12 minutes into her search, and after joining a partially-formed group, she had to switch roles from DPS to tanking, because they couldn’t find a tank, and players were leaving. 10 minutes after that, the group decided to run a different dungeon, perhaps because they couldn’t fill all their roles. So she left, and was looking for a new group. That was her most recent status update, over an hour ago.
Right, 12 minutes to form a full party and I took the hit to play the tank just to get the dungeon going. They decided to do a different dungeon. I suppose if I was just interested in levelling, I could have just gone with it and ran it.
A couple of minutes later, there were 3 DPS queued up for BRD. I could have joined them as a tank and scared up a healer via whispers (honestly, would probably only take 3-4 minutes).
For complete honesty, I just decided to do a ore farming run to level up BS but that all said, I could have easily done a dungeon run for xp easily.
In summary, no one doubts that RDF is the most efficient tool for forming groups especially if it is cross-server. If you are only playing DPS, sure… it will be harder to form groups. If you are on a quieter server, yes, it will be harder to form groups.
Saying pre-Northrend dungeon groups is nearly impossible to get going is very inaccurate. That said, I am not opposed at RDF for dated content.
Good on you for having 4 other people that all have the exact role and play at the exact same time and have the exact same levels that want to do the exact same dungeon as you, at that very time.
The problem is that everyone only cares about the endgame.
If the XP per hour isn’t good enough then they will not do it.
Yes there are some people who are happy to play the game the old fashioned way but most just rush to the endgame because that is the most fun part of the game.
On my Realm there are plenty of people doing lower-level dungeons and I play with my family which have tank heels and DPS so we get groups easy even at level 40.
Having said that no one at all is doing battlegrounds before max level.
I am playing a Death Knight with my friend on a different Realm and as we go through out lands there is no one doing dungeons everyone is max level or boosted to level 70 and is in Northrend.
This is simply the state of classic wow and it’s player base.
i blame boosts in the shop, safe ability to buy gold for real money, no incentives for doing anything other than race to 80 to start the game, time poor players and the fact there is knowledge of the game only being around for 18 months before it??.
solution? make the content ppl are skipping more fun or faster to lvl.
yes that risks making it not like it was originally. but the population of the game isnt making the game play like it did.
put rdf in with xp boosts and ppl will dungeon spam to max lvl.
put xp boosts into random bgs and ppl will spam those.
boost xp from questing… ppl will find which of the 3 is fastest and do that…
i prefer to play the style that i like most and not worry about making 80 but im stupid.
i could just spend $70 for a boost then another $100 for like 10k gold then do all the glorious endgame content before the game ends!
I should add, for accuracy, then, that it is often be impossible for DPS classes to find groups for dungeons outside of Northrend.
As a non-tank class, if you wanted to run a specific dungeon for a quest, or played on a medium/low-pop realm, or wanted to run a slightly more obscure dungeon, or played during hours that are outside of primetime, you’d be out of luck more often than not. And this probably describes the majority of cases.
Playing through dungeons is such a vital part of the leveling experience. And for the vast majority of players, the only way they’ll experience them is through RDF. Because while it may technically be possible to find a group without RDF, given enough time and effort, the reality is that most players won’t. And so most people are going to play a worse, less enjoyable version of the game, myself included. Which makes a lot of people very sad.
Things that didn’t happen for $400, Alex. If what you say is true, perhaps you were online during a time period where there was a tank and healer available. Not everyone can play during ‘prime time’. Lastly, you absolutely would not find this on medium population servers. I’ve leveled multiple toons to 80 and in the mid 50s, I rarely see anyone around. Right now at 12:28pm on Ashkandi in Desolace, I am the only character, the ONLY one.
No, it’s thought to be true because the lead dev tweeted:
“ We’re always open to feedback, but I doubt we’ll change our mind on automatic dungeon finder. I know its contentious, but there are enough people cheering that I think we’re making the right call.
We want players who don’t want it to have a place where they can play with out it.”