Nearly Impossible to Find Groups Outside of Northrend

It’s fun how layers have killed any sense of ‘server’ outside of hub cities

Cool, now you have to press a few buttons and monitor a listing from time to time while you continue on with whatever activity you were doing. Minimal active effort spent in trying to put a group together.

You are vastly overstating the impact here. I realize RDF is zero effort and now you have to put in minimal effort. It’s working great for me and many others, but if that’s too much for you… life’s tough I guess.

Since I work, I would only be queuing during prime time or weekends. Depending on my class, I might fill in the harder to fill role if we are otherwise good to go.

Maybe people should make a friend like me. “Oh Charax is always good to tank”. Once you have me as a friend, yeah… pretty easy to get dungeons going.

BTW, I used to play on low pop Deviate Delight and hustled to get low level dungeons going.

That all said, I am fine introducing RDF for dated content. Until then, make friends like me.

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Do you not understand that not everyone plays your schedule? That not everyone levels at the same pace? Stop with the BS that on low population servers you were able to easily get groups.

This attitude that your opinion of RDF matters more than someone else’s is so incredibly selfish. You don’t, and have never, need to use RDF. Having the tool there for people who want it is a good thing.

Like I said:

That has been the history of every WoW xpac really, due to the way the game was designed. Blizzard basically invalidates all previous content with every xpac, sadly.

Can you help me understand what would you like Blizzard to do to older content as the game progresses?

A few things come to mind which dramatically change how the game is played.

If you modify older content that would change how players who are at the appropriate level engage with it.

If you modify older content you likely introduce phasing which further separates players from each other.

If you modify older content, wanted to maintain that content for appropriate level characters, you would need to introduce mod scaling.

All of these solutions require a lot of work and drastically change how the game is both played and maintained. Lastly, the game wasn’t built to support any of that functionality and adding new functionality would be very labor/time intensive. Also, once you’ve done the content for a zone, meaning you’ve completed every single quest, what is it you want from that zone?

Well, I recently leveled my main in Outland and I had no trouble finding groups for dungeons there.
Same with a lv22+ alt.

That’s not anywhere near a viable solution. As a healer I am a friend like you. I like doing dungeons even more than I like to raid. So I’m always up to heal a dungeon. I’d even heal dungeons way below my level for friends who couldn’t find a healer for the dungeon they needed. I’d be healing st etc. on my 70 just to help out. But I can’t be a friend to every dps on the server and there aren’t enough players like you and me. It didn’t take long before I had too many friends to always be good to heal. And I play alts. I’d join a group on a dps alt and after a while waiting everyone would be asking my to switch to a healing alt. Came to a point that if I wanted to do a dungeon on a dps alt I’d have to refuse to switch to a healer.

I don’t need rdf for my healing main. I need it for alts, and my friends do too because I can’t be on all the time and all the time I’m on I can’t always heal.

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I recently levelled from 30 to 70 unable to do any dungeons. Casual player just coming back to relive the glory of my WOTLK nostalgia.

Leveling I couldn’t believe I didn’t do one part of SM and didn’t even get to do Ramparts once.

That tool is straight bad design. You cannot even access the dungeon content until northrend where everyone is. I didn’t even want to run dungeons for exp or gear. I wanted to experience it again.

Maybe next year or w.e xpac classic roams to next

Or maybe people just don’t want to group pre-80 because it’s terribly inefficient and not worth doing

You should of played during classic or tbc then. We are in WotLK now, nobody cares about stale content anymore. Its your fault for waiting so long to jump in.

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