NE heritage question!

Haven’t seen a single positive review / commentary of the NE heritage quest.
Since there’s a slim-to-none chance I’ll do the quest as I have no intention of making a NE character, I’m just curious:

Is there anyone out there who felt the NE heritage quest was a worthwhile experience?

There’ll surely be copers who somehow think a buggy escort quest in the middle of a dead zone most don’t even realize had nelven significance will believe so.

No Elune, no Darnassus or ashenvale aesthetics, no leader. Just RP walking in a narrow corridor turning off braziers and fighting recycled demons from the new warlock quest.


It gets one of the most requested armor sets since vanilla as playable armor (or at least a variation of it).

That alone makes it worth playing for a lot of people.

Personally? I think it was the bad choice for the heritage armor because it’s extremely specific and doesn’t really match many transmog options, and it’s honestly (imho) kinda basic. But I’ll wear it because basic or not, it’s still top tier. Kinda like a really good Vanilla Ice Cream being the best ice cream, despite vanilla being what people consider baseline.

As for the quest itself?

No. It’s nothing really groundbreaking. It’s not bad, it’s just on par with a leveling quest. It’s literally a slightly updated version of the quest any person can go and do now in Felwood.

Like almost beat for beat, just lacking Maiev and co.

I’ve seen a few positive reviews from people who have really low expectations or are just being contrarian.


I don’t know why they thought Night Elves wanted clothes? It’s a good start but I think they could use even less fabric. Especially for druids who want to shapeshift, I don’t know why they think I can make my clothes shapeshift. I’m trying to be a cat over here, not a cat in the hat.

I mean it was a decent side-quest, annoying escort mechanics aside.

Completely worthless as a heritage questline though.


I mean, I didn’t hate the story.

Maiev and the Sentinels accepting NE men aren’t as useless as they were treated in the past, after one proved he is capable. When you finish the questline you get mailed a letter from Shandris (or was it Maiev) that says that the guy in the quest is being accepted into the Sentinels, on top of being the first man to be given face markings.

But it was honestly not the best delivery. It would’ve been better if Tyrande had been involved seeing as she’s the leader.

This quest is what I was hoping the Dwarven Heritage Armor would be, but reverse - Magni and the Dwarven Men getting over their misogyny and accepting Moira.

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The problem is that these are already issues that Night elves have overcome. There have been Night elf male sentinels. We saw several hundreds of them in Darkshore and Nazmir. We already saw them get over their hatred of mages and integrate them into their society. This quest served absolutely no purpose whatsoever, and is out of date with Night elven lore.

So when the message of their heritage is that their society needs to change what do they even mean when we have already seen that change.

The letter doesn’t mention this, and it should also be noted that Blizzard fumbled this by making it a big deal when Malfurion already has face tattoos.


I try not to get into lore debates anymore because honestly, I put way more time into it than I really should ever have.

But honestly, this isn’t so much the read on what the quest was. There was an awful lot of meta commentary throughout the quest, targeting both a subset of Horde players and a subset of Night Elf players who think the race is broken.

But beyond that, sticking strictly to the lore presented in the game?

The entire quest was riddled with errors. The mother being a pre-Hyjal druid is all but an impossibility. Men also weren’t viewed as useless or unfit. Male Night Elf warriors are a known thing, even in lore. They didn’t join the Sentinels, sure. But I’m almost certain we’ve seen male sentinels since before BFA, but we darn sure saw them IN BFA.

The gender dynamics in NE culture are pretty overthought by the playerbase. There isn’t any real prejudice between the sexes, the only reason Men didn’t join the Sentinels (at least according to the old RPG lore), is because the Sentinels are a branch of the Sisterhood of Elune, which is the ruling government of the Night Elves.

They are a theocracy, and the Sentinels are the churchs army. It’s nothing more than that.


Total sidebar, and maybe it’s on my end, but does the new armor affect Wow Armroy/forum avatars? I see a lot of retail nelves with nary a top but their undergarments on in their avatars.

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Yea, usually when a new xmog is added the Armory takes a while to reflect it. Happened most recently with the purchased xmog set that came out alongside the TP in September.

Technically, IIRC, she says specifically Mark of the guardian or protector, IIRC. I don’t recall which one.

Not the same as the first male getting a face tattoo.

So, again, I try not to get into lore debates anymore, but IIRC Wolfheart was where it was mentioned that face tattoos are a rite of passage type deal. Different marks mean different things.

Men having face tattoos is not the same as men having THAT specific face tattoo.

I would guess so, though it is odd that some forsaken avatars have the new forsaken heritage armour :thinking:

NOTE: Mind you, I’m not wearing any chest armour atm. :slight_smile:

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Well, that also might be because the armor actively looks better with the Night Elf woman in her bra. The filigree matches the armor, the color of the top matches the armor, and the top just looks off with the color differences.

The red Druid top from Arberus is also a good replacement, but that’s about it.

And I see the tattoos, too! How cool is that! Maybe they’ll add tattoos for other races, too?

Perhaps their armor is actually part of what’s helping hold them together? The nelves are quit sturdy and don’t need to rely on an “exoskeleton”


Yup. The tattoos also show up. That’s a bonus.

My bad, not that he was accepted into them, but that she’s recommending him to be.

However, if you read that, it says she’s in fact offering him a position.

On behalf of my UD rogue:


That armor really tied to rogue together did it not?

I think the quest was fine. It just wasn’t a Heritage story. Felt more like a side quest they meant to toss in for a Legion side story and had to cut it.

How do people not know it has Nelf significance, when Whisperwind Grove, the Wardens, Sentinels and one of the DHs is out there trying to cleanse part of their sacred forests? Also it’s the place where Illidan became half demon. So like… O.o