I hadn’t actually quested in Felwood since 2004-2005, and I was there recently on my warrior alt leveling. I had no idea they had added this stuff to Felwood – was that a Cataclysm change or a Legion change?
A Cata change. They added new storyline to the area, along with Feronas Sindweller, who gives you Illidan’s story and a blindfold that’s magically imbued to show you how DHs see, along with a pretty cool questline.
And they added the Loramus questline to Blasted Lands in Cata, as well. Which is a continuation of that super long one we got in Vanilla from the Fallen Hero of the Horde in Swamp of Sorrows.
And in Darkshore, there’s a hidden area of Bashal’aran that fell into the flooded waters, where Telarius is, who holds part of the Writings of the Dark Herald.
(Yes, I’m a DH lore nerd!)
Easily my favorite questline from vanilla. I’ll have to see what they changed for Cata.
OMG it’s so good. And leads into what happened to him in Legion.
The final resolution of the story is rather impactful for my personal RP of this character.
A part of his backstory for wandering off on adventures in the first place was that, as a male, he wasn’t eligible for most formal roles in night elf society where he had aptitude. Almost as an aside, the heritage questline ends with norms shifting. So the title rewarded, even if I don’t actually use it, is very meaningful.
The place where the quest takes place has some nostalgic memories attached to it from my early experiences in WoW.
The gameplay … well, it’s essentially one long escort quest (in a very crowded area while I was doing it). Not wildly compelling, but it’s more about just letting the story play out. So I may poke some fun at it, but I’m not unhappy to have it.
It’s kinda the way modern blizz chooses to ruin things that harken back to old content before they were hired, that players have always wanted:
- People wanted High Elves; modern blizz created knock-off void elves over night
- People wanted dragonkin; modern blizz created knock-off dracthur over night
- Twitch drops bring back rare classic wow items/mounts for the modern lazy payers
- People wanted a skip to Garrosh; the skip disconnects you (and the heirlooms?)
- A blizz artist creates paladin Tier 2 armaments; blizz releases the off-colour purple version…
- Naxx xmog to sell wow tokens
- People wanted the NE Female cinematic armour; the reviews on the heritage quest.
That’s just 7 examples off the top of my head regarding appearance/xmog alone.
Modern blizz loves telling you, in their unjustified egotism, they enjoy disrespecting the golden ages of WoW, and if you get anything from there as a marketing scheme to snatch a nostalgia subscription from you, they’ll make sure it leaves you with a bad taste, or at least shaking your head.
As a personal character quest for those involved it was fun, especially with the call backs to the original questline.
It does not work as a Heritage questline (a lot of people are speculating parts of it got cannibalized for the upcoming patch or that’ll they’ll be a followup like BEs and DIDs had).
Yes that escort portion is obnoxiously buggy and needs to be fixed asap.
Blizz where the blue tint you’re literally advertising? I love the red one and have no interest in blue one but it’s advertised and other people want it so I’m gonna push for it.
The escort quest was too slow. I can prowl and could have completed that portion in 1/10th of the time. Instead, I constantly got admonished for moving outside a tiny circle. If the NPC says we need to move with haste, let’s move with haste.
The rest of the chain was pretty generic and could have been a series of leveling quests. Didn’t even actually accomplish the goal because there were demons running around during the RP part at the end. I didn’t feel like I cleansed the area or brought any respect to the dead.
Finally, they could have updated Maiev’s model. In-game cinematics with these two high rez night elves and then an outdated pixelated warden… Seemed like it could have been easily fixed.
Finally the let down of no color variations of the armor hit hard. Was really looking forward to the blue and white colors.
A lot more effort was put into the Human Heritage armor.