NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

The event isn’t being washed over its a major plot story line dealing with the souls from the event.

My problem isn’t it being ignored or retconned, exactly. It’s about not informing new players.

It’s the idea of removing it’s mentions for new players so they won’t know until further down the line in KT/Zand. The Horde did do it. It’s something new players should be made aware of. It’s part of the Horde’s identity that at the beginning of BfA they caused a genocide, and the fact the questing for BfA doesn’t reflect that is bad.

I’ve never claimed it’s being washed over, just that new players aren’t being properly informed of the story of the BfA zones.


Its an event that happened before new players arrive. They learn about it durring the stroy line in shadowlands you cant expect a new player to be dumped with 15 years of game history in the first 30 mins of gameplay. As for its not shown in bfa umm what you see it referenced 9 times durring the war campaign twice in cinematic form

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I don’t.

Teldrassil isn’t just some event in WoW’s history, it’s the catalyst for the reason we go to Zandalar and Kul Tiras at all. It’s the beginning of the story there. Blizzard removing mentions of why we go to KT/Zand is weird.

It’d be like we go to Draenor, but erase all mention of the Iron Horde trying to invade Azeroth.


Still have to do that garbage scenario I think every time you first reach WoD levels.

It doesnt though it tells you why when you to the zones you get the prompt to go see pending of faction side to go to kt or zan then you are told why, what happened and what led to it

You are actually never told.
Playthrough those zones again and imagine you know NOTHING of War of Thorns.

Basically your game starts at the throne room.
And if anyone mentions Teldrassil all you know is that its some island.


I can kinda get it. As far as levelling goes, Teldrassil isn’t relevant to KT/Zand. Since I’m assuming the Battle of Lordaeron is also being cut, the only focus is leveling on those islands.

I find it weird to purposefully cut dialog. Why? Why remove those traces intentionally? There’s tons of dialog that references past events throughout KT/Zand. Are those also being cut? Is referencing important events like Teldrassil Burning somehow bad for new players?

I think it’s such a weird thing to purposefully cut. If what it came down to was the the intros relating to Lordaeron, infiltrating Stormwind and whatnot were being cut, then yeah I get it. But to go through and cut dialog to Teldrassil burning seems weird.


So are these starting zones like, some sort of dream world/alternate reality created for the sole purpose of strengthening the character up for the current conflict?

Because if it is… I can actually dig that idea. Inspire the new heroes with tales of bravery and valor. Encourage them to fight for a better purpose, and re-tool their experience to cater to that.

And then when the veil lifts and they enter the Shadowlands… boom. It all hits them like a mack truck to the face.

Simulation ended. Welcome to the real world… of Warcraft.

I can still not believe that they can’t stand up to their own writing.

As if it was the Night Elf players’ fault that Teldrassil burned and the Night Elves were nearly wiped out…


It is to me.

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Ugh. This is going to make forum arguments so much worse.

H: “Look at how aggressive the Alliance is, attacking Lordaeron - they even targeted some civilians we had to save!”
A: “Uh… you do know why the Alliance attacked, right?”
H: “…No…”

And, going by how heated arguments normally go on this forum…

A: [makes short sarcastic response that includes only the worst events that happened in the Burning, implying that if H doesn’t immediately condemn his faction for it he’s a terrible person]
H: [doesn’t want to give ground in the original argument, thinks this must be hyperbole, and so defends Horde actions/reasons for going after a capitol]
A: [Gets/reinforces the impression that Horde players are cool with fictional genocides, loses chance of sympathizing with them]

And thus the vitriolic cycle of the forums perpetuates itself.

There’s an easter egg in a cave under Timeless Isle (under the pirate ship that has the rare captain and the treasure on the sails) which, if you sit in one of the chairs and interact with the campfire, will teleport you to Gorgrond. I started using that on all my alts because, sorry Khadgar, I don’t want to chill with him all the time.


And most “new players” won’t CARE. Just like the majority of present day veterans couldn’t care of the background reason for the Darkshore or Arathi Warfronts.


it’s just ONE starting zone, Exile’s Reach. A one size fits all sort of place. The idea presumably is to not burden new players with having to slog through all of the previous chapters to reach Shadowlands.

I am not sure how the narrator telling the player “after genociding the night elves the noble horde etc…” is such a huge burden to listen through.


Because from the perspective of a new character it doesn’t happen until you reach the equivalent of old level scale 110.

Then why remove any mention of it after they finish level 10?

Why remove those references too?

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Blizzard needs to give you your own unique mount called Moral High Horse.

(I’m not being snarky; I always read your comments on the NE clusterF. The smugness looks good on you too, btw.)

Thats not the case at all. You play threw bfa and its referenced 9 times in the war campaign with 2 cinematics. Not to mention its a major plot story in shadowlands dealing with the souls from the event. Nothing is being retconned

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Oh. Oh. Oh. You can skip it. You have to go to the Timeless Isle. Find a cave underwater over on the east side of the island. Sit in a chair. Click on the campfire. Boom, you get teleported to Gorgrond. You can still do the Garrison set up quests; if you want. The Internet has the exact details on how to do this.

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