NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

you know they still talk about it in shadowlands zones like the maw

It annoys me that so much focus is placed on Teldrassil, at times. I know why they did it, because it was this big shocking thing, but the Horde killed just as many if not more night elves just getting to Teldrassil. Every single wisp blocking off Darkshore comes from Ashenvale, called by Malfurion, and they’re all implied to be those who were killed by the Horde in their sweep north and west.

That’s a lot of dead night elves.


Yeah dude because it isn’t grown back yet.

Oh I see what you mean, I doubt they’ll do that, but guess we never know

And people pretend that Teldrassil hasn’t been swept under the rug…

I’m honestly speechless right now, I can’t believe it


That would be nice. Still, it’s…I don’t know. I mean, it’s just…how do you do that without making the Horde look like supervillians, but with amazing music and visuals?

Pandaria: Orc went crazy, teamed up with ancient evil, nearly destroyed continent.
Draenor: A bunch of orcs might destroy Azeroth, we have to team up to stop them.
Legion: An orc that we didn’t stop brought back a bunch of demons, we have to team up to stop them.
Azeroth: Sylvanas commits one of the most heinous acts of violence ever seen, single-handedly starting the 4th major military conflict that the world has ever seen defends against Alliance aggression. Then…she…um…yeah, it’s gonna get bad.

I just hope they put a lot of thought out of the rabbit they’re going to pull out of their–




Since the forsaken are now “tirelessly striving to protect the living”, they realized genocide was too big of an issue to overcome, so they decided to try to sweep it under the rug. I expect them to further diminish the night elves in SL, much like they did in BFA. Remember Tyrande was suppose to have an important role in Cata, but she just got that scenario where she was too incompetent to command her own troops. So expect that in her scenario in ardenweald since that seems to be the only night elf thing happening so far.


Blizzard write events like theramoore and Teldarissil for Shock value because they feel the Alliance player base just isn’t hungry enough for the war.

However once the realized the Playerbase is up and arms about it they quietly brush that part of the story aside so they can bring back their peace msg without resolving anything…

Blizzard like their cool moments, they don’t care for writing a consistent story. its only when they get blow back from fans complaining do they actually decide to fix things and even then they aren’t gonna put a huge effort in as thats not the story they want to write.


I guess the Night Elf complaints and concerns simply didn’t reach Blizzard then…


oh they heard you, its why Tyrande is a thing in Shadowlands, but I doubt it will be a massive story or have a satisfying conclusion.

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Yea Tyrande dying will most certainly not cater to Night Elf fans, or that Sylvanas redemption now that her crimes have been whitewashed.


They aren’t going to kill Tyrande. They won’t even let Vol’Jin or Kael’thas stay dead. There’s even a cameo appearnce by Cairne in the Tauren heritage quest. Good lord, even Kel’Thuzad is back!

My god no one dies in Warcraft lore anymore. It’s not even fun to root for Baine or Anduin to die any more since they would just pop up in the Shadowlands immediately.


Edit: I jumped the gun. Read it as they removed the War of the Thorns. They just kinda hid it.

Still, funny.

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WoW forums in a nutshell


They completely retconned how the Emerald Dream works to force night elven content down our throats in Shadowlands, and removed the Forsaken from any possible character expansion in the same exact move.

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The complaints and concerns definitely reached them. Blizzard has never had a problem with noting when players are unhappy. They notice.

The problem is how they address things. Night elf friends are upset about Teldrassil? Well, let’s appease them by minimizing it, then their anger will minimize, right?

Players were unhappy that Thrall and Varian kill-stole Garrosh from them and Garry survived? Well, we can’t have that! Kill Garrosh in Nagrand. Have Thrall do it. All will be well.

Which spec are people saying is overpowered? We should nerf it. A lot. Like, can it still do a dps? Well, stop that right now.

And so forth. They’re great at pinpointing where a problem is, just not with appropriately fixing it.


Oh, the Horde doesn’t like being villain-batted for the second time? Well now you’re all lawful-good Anduin Paladins. What’s wrong Horde, I thought you didn’t like being the villains??!?

Blizzard is the ultimate troll.


It’s a monkey’s paw at this point. Be careful what you wish for.


I don’t think they’ve forced us into being lawful good paladins. I think the forsaken intro needs to be reworded in favor of the horde as opposed to all life – but i get the message. “Azeroth is our home, and we will protect her.”

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I’m not mad. I feel they should just say it, though. “We didn’t handle this appropriately, we’re not doing the story justice, we’re removing X and Y, here’s what we’re putting in instead.”

BFA was toxic for the franchise. It had no regard for the integrity of the IP, the delicate nature of the story in many regards and if they’re not willing to show the appropriate care to something of such magnitude, it shouldn’t be there.

I said it before, I’ll say it again.

Retcon BFA. This isn’t enough. Announce that it is dead. Specify that X and Y filled these spots.