NE genocide didn't happen - Redshirt Guy

How many of those losses were done by a playable faction billed as the good guys?


None. Whether or not the Horde or character in general billed as the good guys really depends on where you are in the narrative at the moment.

Wtf… I never knew this.


It feels so good having your race nearly wiped out and all civilians sent to wow hell to suffer forever just so that those responsible can be praised as noble heroes…


You can also skip it by having a mage teleport you to Ashran and then flying to your starting area.

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As I said in the other forum, there is no evidence they are saying Teldrasil didn’t happen. Thing missing in an alpha build means nothing. Though, in fact, I would be in favor of retconning it, and the entire BfA storyline, away.

And Blizzard deciding to not force Alliance players to experience content they have said over and over they hated. Clearly Horde bias!

And Blizzard not making returning players feel like villains in their own story? Good. Blizzard needs the subs and they pay the same subscription that Alliance players do.

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Retconning it? Yes, sure. We know that there won’t be a conlcusion so it should just be retconned.

Ignoring it and sweeping it under the rug while praising Sylvanas and the Horde as heroes is absolutely disgusting though.


Everyone keeps saying this. But really, everyone was surprised by Sylvanas’s order. Nathanos was surprised by Sylvanas’s order. Up until then outside of Sylvanas’s evil forsaken kill squads, the Horde had been sparing civilians left and right. the very last ‘attack the night elves’ mission that the horde does in the war of thorns is specifically saving night elf civilians.

The Horde didn’t burn Teldrassil. Sylvanas did.


And when will they be doing that if they never get to Darkshore?

I think far more newbies are going to be confused why Lordaeron has gone belly up after being introduced to Warcraft 3: Refunded.

Horde players need to feel like they are playing a hero too.


Then wrap up the plot instead of leaving it hovering over the Horde like an unnecessary Sword of Damocles.


Interesting Nomi appears the Vulpera Allied Quest line. And not only does he not burn anything, but he make a new superior wine.

At least I think it was Nomi. He had the same name, and looked to same, but I felt “something is not quite right” and asked my self what he was hiding.


I don’t disagree. But I would be hard to do that, at this stage, even if with decent writing. And what are the odds of decent writing.

I agree their writing on the faction war has been terrible.

But if we decide that it’s better to have them not bother writing something and just ignore it because it’s doubtful they can do it well… Well, then they’d better shut down the whole game, because they can’t write it well.

I would rather they try. They started this, they should finish it.

Leave the Horde player out of it, but still do something. Heck, even if they just tweet that “oh, yeah, those guys who fired the demolishers and used magic to fan the flames? Uh, they all tripped and fell on a cactus and died. Every single one of them. It was a terrible conga-line-gone-wrong. They’re all gone now!” and made this official canon, at least that would be something.

But this? Perhaps there are worse options, but this is the second-to-worst.


Yeah that’s kind of the point.

Lets be honest, you can’t have high writing standards are play the game these days. I’m only just back from unsubscribing and even that is a “lets see how it goes” sort of thing.

Have you actually played the Alpha or are you basing your judgement on third hand information?

I agree. I only resubbed because Blizzard finally admitted they were completely wrong about forcing Frost DK to dual wield, and I felt I had to reward their one good decision in half a decade.


Sure, but this isn’t high. This isn’t even medium. This is a few inches above scraping the bottom of the barrel.

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