NE and Orc Racial changes pls

It’s kind of insane that NE and Orc have maintained their racials despite now being nearly 50% of the competitive playerbase over 2100 rating. It’s one thing to have a cleanse/purge racial, they’re good, but a 1 second detarget and stun duration reduction feels bad. Seeing a unholy dk phase, druid/rogue restealth again, eat meld, and other abusable features. Can’t these two races be brought in line with the rest of the game?

NE 3 sec 20% evade or a 2 second cast to atleast stop shadowmeld eaters could be pretty good.

Orc just bring them in line with other races, 1-2% secondary or make it a snare thing for like 50%.





why are you worrying about racials when you’re routinely not playing at a level where they matter


You’re forgetting Dwarf, Dark Iron Dwarf, and Trolls, but yeah.

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Says you, 0 honorable kills lol.

Ig you just wouldn’t understand when the disparity appears but its very prevalent in 2100. It’s really not about me, it’s when you get to 1800+ Night Elves 35% of the player base. It’s just really weird to leave it as is, and detargeting during execute off global is just an insane racial mechanic on the low-end, then considering you can iframe skills and ccs. Followed by Humans and Orcs at 14%, but Humans are getting their racial gutted this expac.

Orc is a less offensive example, and maybe that is how the game would just rebalance. Dark Iron or Earthen, which would just be a more balance racial difference.


Raiding guilds have been overwhelmingly Horde until M+ brought Alliance into relevance via Shadowmeld.

For most of PvP, Horde as a faction has been immensely stronger because they got all the shares of active steroid and CC racials whereas Alliance only had a snare cleanse on gnomes, bleed/disease cleanse on dwarves, and shadowmeld is less useful in battlegrounds than it is in Arenas.

For most of Alliance’s existence, the only good racials were human racials, the rest were hot garbage, while Horde had the equivalents of a DK Lichborne, stun reduction and a trinket active, a mini bloodlust on trolls, and an aoe stun on taurens for free cyclones and self-peels. Meanwhile Lightforged Draenei are running on a joke of a racial, including a damage on death racial, a useless wisp form for night elves, and a meager 20% HP over 5 second HoT on a whopping 3 min cd.

We can live with Alliance at least having good racials that are not humans for once. It’s bad enough humans monopolize all of Alliance leadership and storytelling while the draenei, gnomes, worgen and dwarves are in the basement, the Night Elves get absent and ineffective leaders, and we have to deal with yet more Anduin and Jaina moping instead.


lemme resist stuns entirely again

It’s insane to me how Blizzard nerfed the Blood Elf racial because of M+, claiming it was too broken and when they started to see alot of MDI teams running Blood Elf comps, but when Alliance starts following the same trend with Night Elf this expansion, not just in MDI but also the AWC, nothing is done about it.

When 90% of the teams in MDI are Night Elf and a majority of the PvP player base is Night Elf, you know there’s a problem. Give me back my 2 second AoE silence/interrupt if you guys aren’t gonna nerf Shadow Meld.

It should be changed to the following:

In combat, Shadow Meld will avoid the next spell/attack cast on you in a 1 second window. Out of combat, it’ll just stealth you like it currently does so long as you stand still.


Hks is a weird thing to go off. Life has plenty of alts he pvps on. Orc is a 5% stun reduction in pvp it may as well not exist. If you were going to complain about pvp racials it should be nelf, both kinds of dwarves and gnomes.

Shadowmeld does need to be changed to something else egregious. Stoneform is less less of a problem than DiD which completely took over during s1 when sin rogues were broken. Escape artist is far too potent rn (roots need a duration nerf) but every high level warrior is a gnome atm

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I’m also curious what they’re going to do with Dracthyr’s dual cc racials when they get other classes.

Are we really going to have mages and warriors and priests have two different knock away/knock up effects as racials? That just seems way too broken. But at least it would be for both horde and alliance? I dunno.

probably change non-evokers to have a shared CD, like goblins have with rocket jump/blast

I’m like 20k off bloodthirsty, last i checked lol
hks also don’t really matter?
either way, meld is the only real outlier here, orc racial isn’t really that strong anymore, it’s just a popular race because it’s a popular fantasy creature
a small cast time in pvp would fix meld either way

I hope so. I’m dreaming of being a lizard man warrior with extra cc.



I cannot wait to be a dragon with a pet dragon, while doing dragon things and sometimes riding on top of another dragon

I love dragons unashamedly


On top of the fact you can still be a female human. I just keep winning

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nothing but dubs

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Yo d̶a̶w̶g̶ dragon, I heard you like dragons

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Really hoping this isn’t a thing bc warriors are already oppressive enough.

I’m gonna come to goldshire and t pose at you aggressively while soaring

I didn’t see rating or hks on char, not wasting my time looking him up further. Have no idea who he is, don’t care. He also has the same criticism “routinely” reaching 2100, cus I don’t play year round and drop in on the same character every patch.

You won’t see me bc I don’t go there soooo