Nazjatar Rare Spawn Timers

I’m not even trying this idiot bounty today. I tried it last time and gave up after 3 hours without finding anything.

Great Idea. Except because of how many play without War Mode, the rares die within 30 seconds of spawning, so you’re still not going to find any…


yea, after an hour of doing the other quests for the day, and not even finding one rare, i logged off. f that.

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I just gave up on the quest. I have not seen any lately when I am on. I play through the dailies and that is it.

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Everyone in this thread is lazy.

Now that you posted something here, you included yourself in the lazy group, congratulations!


I was just about to get to one then the pvp event started and I got blindsided by a marauding wandering raid group

The quest only gives 50 rep. Talk about adding insult to injury!


Plenty of time to post in Sunday threads when I’m just afk on a rare spawn point :slightly_smiling_face:

You guys whine entirely too much in 3 hours Ive gotten 10 rares. There are 5 summoned rares, 4 group rares you get via lfg and the commanders which spawn every few hours, this aint camping geez EQ you had to camp 12 hours for some rares, grow a set

I got it easily, just doing the other content in the zone. I was always just stumbling into a rare “star” on the map.

Same thing with Mechagon.

just an fyi for ppl who need a rare.

usually prince typh is up at very south of map.

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That’s cool for you. I’ve done all the quests except the “Kill 3 rares” every day since the patch hit and I’ve only seen 2 rares up in all that time combined. Lots of people have a similar experience.

Mechagon is fine.

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When will people stop complaining about every little thing?

I mean, they aren’t wrong about this though. Nazjatar just takes alot longer to navigate, but the rewards are equal level to mechagon quests.

Mechagon is densely packed, but easy to navigate. Plus you get a little nibble of flying before the main meal. Rare spawn timers aren’t an issue because you can get to them in like 15-30 seconds.

Meanwhile Nazjatar has no flying, its incredibly complex and layered and everything is spread out. It really seems like 2 completely different teams designed the zones.

I have 5 rares killed in Nazjatar, and am only missing 5 rare kills in Mechagon. And Mechagon has tinkering. So theres at least things to do while you wait for a rare to spawn.

I see there’s already Nazjatar contracts on the AH. God bless that person.


Now… how is a person already revered with Nazjatar? Im curious of that one lol

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Probably is human, and literally did everything possible including pet battles.

I do everything. Excluding the pet battles, because those are boring to me. And iv’e missed the boss that spawns a few too. And i’m at 3375/12000

There are some rare consumables that can drop off certain mobs that raise your rep by a small amount. Some people have been farming them all day.

For example:

I must be unlucky or something lol. I kill those rare most days. And haven’t had anything drop like that, iv’e looted those chests too

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Ah yeah, that’s right. I got one similar from Fathom Ray’s when i was doing the daily a few days ago. Think it gave rep and 20 exp to all my bodyguards