Nazjatar Rare Spawn Timers

If killing 3 rares is going to be a quest objective in this zone, then their spawn timers need a nerf.

In 2 hours doing all the other quests in the zone I saw no rares. Now I’m just sitting here camping a spawn point for the last 45 minutes. Still 0/3 in progress on this quest.

Longer spawn times are OK in Mechagon because the zone is very dense and you generally have a chance to get to a rare if it’s called out in the zone chat. In Nazjatar you have no hope of getting to a rare before it dies unless you’re very close when it spawns.

If you don’t want to nerf the spawn timers of the current rares in the zone, then maybe add a couple of new ones with short spawn times that drop something insignificant like a couple of manapearls so we can kill them in a reasonable time when this quest is up.


Exactly what they want, to keep you online.


Ah yes. Bounty dangerous creatures lol. Tbh not even fooling with that quest. They jacked the spawn timers just to make you stay logged on longer for the time played metric lol. Got over that camping bs years ago when I leveled a alli, and horde hunter camping those rares in northrend, and hyjal. No patience for that rubbish anymore. Only the tedium addicts enjoy that crap.


I swear, I think the design process went something like this.

What’s the most annoying thing we did Argus?
3D vertical maze map that makes it near impossible to get around.
Great! Add that!

What’s the most annoying thing we did in Tanaan?
Rares on a 30 minute timer with quests that cause them to be camped.
Great! Add That!

What’s the most annoying thing we did in Suramar?
Massively cluttered landscape that causes players to get stuck on everything.
Great! Add a lot of that!

What’s the most…


I just spent about the same time and managed to get to one (still need 2) then I returned to base and the commanders spawned, I left with the mass of people to the first one but when I got there the mob was dead and so too was the second, might have to play from 3 am to 5 am to do this (and other) dailies if I ever want to tag something without people seemingly teleporting to them.


There was a world quest for a rare too that wouldn’t give credit - so annoying. I was lucky I had two profession items to spawn rares but I didn’t even have to use them since others were doing the same thing today.

And the one time I found a rare finally up, I got jumped by 10+ horde when rare was at 30% all at the same time because sharding is the best thing ever. And yeah yeah inb4 turn off warmode.

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Wouldn’t it be nice if they at least weren’t so blatant about it. Like we’re all so stupid we can’t see why they do what they do. Like we can’t tell EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. they incorporate a negative change - one that they thinly spin as a “feature,” yet it makes anything and everything take longer, cost more, benefit us less, earn us less, and/or make the game/that feature or aspect of the game overall less enjoyable, less rewarding and/or actively more annoying…but MUCH more time-consuming!


Well I gave up after being in the zone for 4 hours and not finishing this quest. Lol. Not even trying on this one again.

Yeah this quest is bs. Especially with the wq rares not counting.


I ran around for about 2 hours - complete with a map of all the rare spawn points - and managed not to find a single rare up. Yet another completely borked 8.2 quest…


Yeah, this quest (and most of the Bounty quests) are ridiculously long and annoying to complete. The rewards are pretty pathetic for the trouble.


Just another way to keep us artificially logged into their trash designed game longer. Having us sit through trash spawn timers so you can get high play times on your spread sheets won’t fix your sub numbers, morons.


I too am not going to bother with quests like that. Spawn timers are a joke, rewards are not worth the effort. I really thought this patch would keep me interested in the game again, but alas, it has not. The quests feel like a 5 year old put them together and the whole things feels very flat. Not much of a story line. Waited a long time for a new patch that is boring as ****.


I got so frustrated that I’m never taking this quest again. I logged off finally and played another game.


They really are! 50 reputation for killing 15 mobs? Nah.



There are also a disturbing amount of silver-portrait NPC’s that do not give credit to this quest. Some that are the objective of another quest on their own won’t count to this, but other “rares” still don’t give credit even when not the target of a quest.


Over the last three days I’ve grown to hate Nazjatar. I have to make 3 trips around the whole map and still I only ever find one rare. Not only that, the requisition quests are the same way. I find 3 out of 10 requsition items in the 3 trips around the map. Not to mention the stupid phasing crap where I see a starfish and when I get to it it has phased out.

Two days ago I was stuck in Nazjatar for hours on those two quests. That is too much time on TWO quests.

Nazjatar = not fun :angry:


Maybe turn of WM? Just a thought…