Hey guys thanks for taking the time to read this. i am a returning player and cant seem to find the quests to start to enter nazjatar to gear up.

I do not think i got any quest like i have seen in youtube videos when you first login, maybe i declined it?

i keep going to the boat and there are no quests available for me.

i am getting super frustrated.

does anyone have a clue how to get this quest line started or what i need to do? i greatly appreciate any feedback.

Hey there Merovis,
If you happen to still be stuck in this situation, you should actually have the quest in your quest log (its auto accept). Check the boat as you mentioned for Greymane. if he doesn’t have anything for you, I would head over to Cyrus Crestfall (in the Harbormaster’s Office near the boat). If you still don’t have anything, you may have to open a ticket unfortunately.

Hope this helps and wish you the best of luck on your future adventures!