Nazjatar feels so empty and lifeless

Bring those pvp merchants back and people might be more interested in PVP.

Perhaps, unless WPvP was not determined by the current Factions and a new set of factions, lets say Light vs Void, were introduced with no real power based reward that ignored what Racial Factions players were on.

Idk, even then its obviously not that simple but I am just spitballing thoughts here.

A lot of us are going to flip on warmode later in the week when the horde numbers die down. Right now its about 30 horde for every 1 alliance.


Yeah, just kill off world PvP. I’m sorry but the amount of possible content that opens up when you kill off factions becomes pretty substantial. They wouldn’t have to build entire quests and questing zones for individual factions and frees up a ton of creative possibilities.


the 1%s are literally the reason why guilds make massive shifts towards the other faction.

the whole reason why we’re even at this place where so few alliance guilds have even cleared mythic bod is because over time the recruitment pool for alliance becomes smaller because more people are moving horde because other guilds followed for the optimal racials.

it’s not too late to entice hardcore pvpers and pvers to the otherside by designing appealing racials.

this is a better solution than trying to eliminate the backbone to WoW’s game mechanics.


Time for blizzard to offer paid memberships for us alliance players to turn WM on.

are you serious?

why? people enjoy world pvp, and there is literally no other MMORPG on that market that does wpvp the way WoW does.

wpvp is imbalanced, but it’s imbalanced because factions are imbalanced (and possibly faulty sharding tech again, but I don’t know if it’s happened again like in the beginning of the xpac).


Or they just give alliance Vykrul and some nice racial to go along with it and boom we would have ATLEAST a 40% -60% with horde in favor. Right now its probably a 15%-85% imbalance with horde being the favorite. Even then i feel like 15% is a stretch.

And? For the vast majority of WoWs lifespan, Blizzard has never catered to World PvP. Heck, in reality they aren’t now either. Most PvP servers ended up heavily faction imbalanced just so people could actively avoid it anyway.

Only problem with new factions is that it goes against a lot of what built WoW’s popularity, primarily the Horde/Alliance dynamic.

And while breaking that down would 100% be a awesome change gameplay wise, story and player wise it would be a disaster. Seeing that faction dynamite dissolve would light a power keg that would make the flight fiasco back in WoD look like a sparkler on a birthday cake. Plus the dual factions allow for Blizzard to still justify PvP and enable some story writing they couldn’t do with a single faction.

People rep their factions so hard they get tattoo’s of them, discarding that faction pride Blizzard has cultivated since Warcraft 3 would destroy the brand as a whole.

Because nobody’s playing the game LOL


I don’t think its that either… Like… If there was just no players in Warmode in general that would be one thing, but there is an obvious skew of faction imbalance favoring the Horde and one that is not even purely based on PvP considering you can see it in the raiding races as well with Horde having already capped their Hall of Fame for s2 and the Alliance isn’t even at a quarter of the way yet.

Perhaps if the Factions of “Alliance/Horde” were dissolved and replaced with PvP factions with no direct power benefit that players who want to enter Warmode have to choose one or the other, allowing Alliance and Horde to be on the same sides whatever side they choose…

Regardless, something needs to be done in some way.

Yeaaaah… Honestly, I am just spitballing because I legitimately have no idea as a player how this could be fixed…

There are people playing the game, its just the way blizzard does sharding and layering is bad. I went from seeing 100’s of players at the start then I get put in layer and barely see people.

There are plenty of groups you can find in the custom and questing tabs. I join other groups and in their layer there are tons of people.

While that is true, the main problem with doing that in reverse is that it’s too late, the ones who swapped for those juicy racials back in Wrath aren’t gonna swap now 5 expansions and nearly a decade later, their probably heavily entrenched in the Horde, ether by having lots of characters and/or for social reasons. Plus a lot of the playerbase is more casual leaning, and those players only really care where their friends are, and those casuals are friends with raiders, so one thing leads to another.

If they wanted to use racials as the carrot on a stick they should have done that back in Cata, when the trend started.

Layering is currently a Classic only thing atm, and their still ironing out the bugs with it over there.

It’s also server dependent, on my realm theirs people crawling everywhere

The Horde bias at Blizzard runs deep and I don’t ever see them reversing it. It has run rampant in various aspects of the game and has never been more blatant than it has been in BFA.


What did you tell us when we complained about being stomped?

“Turn Warmode off sissies”

I don’t feel bad at all now that people are complaining about the lack of Alliance to farm.


Blizzard forgot the problem they ran into with the introduction of War Mode.

Alliance does not want to do World PvP. They would only ever do it when the quest was up, and then they’d opt out.

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Had the complete opposite experience. Our pvp event was toppsy Turvy 45 mins of zergs. 2 raid groups just hitting each other.

Why is it the second I saw this was a Horde, I knew it was going to be about a lack of Alliance players on WM… Look Horde, you DROVE those of us that use WM away in the early days with the constant 10 vs 1 fights at every WQ location. The Alliance has always had a smaller population on PvP realms and those are the primary player base for WM shards.

If you want a more active WM, fight for shard balancing. So that those of us that want to use WM know it will be a fair fight going in. That or faction transfer and help rebuild the PvP base.