Naxxramas Opening Time and Scourge Invasion Adjustments

It means:

You’d think gouging us for an additional 30% on our subscriptions fees would grant us some consideration…

your reply is way saltier than anything i could possibly come up with

Those people may not have voted in those polls, but they’re around. Retail has the features it has for a reason, because people asked for them. And all retail players have access to Classic.

Logically, if Blizzard can listen to those people once and ruin the game, they could do it again. That was every #nochanger’s fear.


my only problem with this is… didn’t the event start before naxx released in vanilla? Like I feel it should be live now leading up to the release of naxx

If they didn’t listen then we wouldn’t have Classic WoW in the first place. The reason for #nochanges was to have a faithful recreation of what the game used to be like; something that private servers tried to do with varying success. Blizzard came closer than most people expected, but still fell short. If they had started with any more changes than they already did, most people would not be appreciative.

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Actually when you listen to most of the private server crowd it’s #nochanges oh except for X Y Z changes that were great on the private server i played on.

And most actual classic players who can get beyond just ranting #nochanges or go to retail are well aware of what changes they would and would not like.

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Read it again, Naxx is opening same time the invasion starts.

Im glad that there are changes taking place for people to do the content. I hope in the future that this outlook may take a look at how the content is consumed on some level on another go around of Classic from a Fresh start .

Buffs on progression lol.

Some guilds are already practicing the raid on the ptr. I’m sure plenty will just clear it the first day

Some = less than 1% of guilds.

How does “less melee leeway” = “10 hour arena matches” ?

Not sure if trolling, or…
>public profile hidden
Yep, trolling.

Sure, but that’s subjective. Recreating the game as it was is the natural starting point.

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I disagree with this reasoning, but even according to this logic, this shouldn’t be changed. People haven’t played the invasion or Naxx as it was yet.

Because melee leeway is part of what keeps the game functioning properly. You would never kill a Resto Druid without the proper amount of leeway.

This is false. Many of the proponents of Classic WoW were never “No-changers.” Sodapoppin is a good example, he wanted Vanilla WoW back for years and I remember him getting lots of flak because he wanted them to put ARENA in it.

I wanted Classic WoW, I also wanted them to remaster the graphics and make common sense changes, they seem to be doing a bit of the latter now.


I fail to see how reducing melee leeway by a small amount would somehow make resto druids unkillable.

You’re greatly exaggerating, troll.

im pretty sure there was no leeway in private servers, and druids or healers or ranged dps were not at any significant advantage.

stop calling people trolls. its unhelpful, and it just makes you look like you want to silence this other dude

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Thanks for taking the time to acknowledge that there are larger populations of people actively playing Classic versus the way it was back in Vanilla, and adjusting this event to suit.

Perhaps you could also use this opportunity to adjust the amount of resources available in the open world to be in line with the larger populations playing now versus Vanilla too?

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