Naxxramas Opening Time and Scourge Invasion Adjustments

up your butt

Why not have it just stay around forever? The events will still be over and done with in no time on a lot of high population servers. Not to mention the amount of players that will be farming these it will still be hard to get any necrotic runes without your entire guild there.

It is a step in the right direction, but when you see this implemented you will all wish you had more time after the short 3-4 weeks max is over.


Thank you, now please give us TBC ASAP. Like no more than 1 month after Blizzcon, tyvm.

OK, so seems like i will get to do some of this at some point due to it being so close to shadowlands release (and shadowlands being so damn enjoyable). Cheers, Blizz!

Looks like christmas festival with zombies this year, winter is coming boys.

Because the AQ war effort is specifically the event that they took lessons from, causing these changes.

I don’t think they really understand the tryhards on the realms.

300 is rookie numbers when you have ~30k Alliance and 20k Horde on a single server; with many guilds clearing all BiS-awarding raids in a couple of hours.

Those ‘mini boss fights’ will be perma-dead (in one global) from the 49.9k mages all spamming arcane explosion.


maybe make it a yearly event, but if its an invasion the point of fighting the mobs is to fend off the invasion…

Feels like it.

…aren’t there suppose to be nodes for herbs and ore??? :stuck_out_tongue:


Time gating has destroyed any and all fun in retail. That and Pathfinger.

Trust me, releasing raids in phases is not the same time gating that we have in retail. TBC released EVERY RAID minus 3 that weren’t completed yet all at once and “time gated” it behind attunements and bugs. The attunement system is genuinely amazing so keeping it is great, but the fact of the matter is that without phases in TBC you’ll have guilds clear Hyjal week 1.

Can y’all make the chest pieces sellable at least? 50 or 100 runes whatever. This is pretty hard to farm when it’s not a guaranteed drop rate and being on a one side server.

Would you awesome people make sure the event lasts until 12/31 on Fairbanks server please? I’m off that week and I’m sure others are as well. Would give us time to farm our runes. Thank you.

Would be nice if the event lasts until 12/31 on high pop servers like Fairbanks. The competition for runes is insane. Need the full month please

That is pretty cool