Naxxramas Achievement Rewards to Remain Available Throughout Wrath Classic

Just log into Bene dalaran and everyone has one of the drakes. It’s a joke achievement in 2023 no prestige about it.


you didnt hear about the war on sulfuras ? whole alliance guild reported and got at least 1 legit scarab lord banned, they in turn got banned and the whole horde server united against them and none of the 4 alliance scarab lord contenders got it.

100% not a conspiracy theory lol

These Wrath babies don’t know what OG Classic was like back in late 2019 / 2020

You are misremembering, because alliance had like 4 scarablords, and grizzly was able to transfer their scarablord to a dead server and turn it in anyways.

That was a unintended exploit. There was supposed to be a CD on getting scarab lord after xfering.

I mean, Ahmped still has scarab lord, so i guess blizzard doesnt agree with that.

Go read the blue post about xfering and scarab lord from classic.

I’m merely saying it doesnt matter and blizzard doesnt care regardless of your stance on it, because he was never punished.

Because the classic team is inept.

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none of them got it on sulfuras tho, even if originaly the only guild horde wanted to block was grizzly the other 3 were colateral damage

I was in turbo bus, we had a scarab lord, and i know for a fact that multiple other guilds also got it.

I actually dont care if theyre only in P1 or allowed after P1. It doesnt matter to me what others do or get in this game, literally has no impact on my, or your gameplay whatsoever.

Youre the one who expressed disappointment in it.

lol at all the angry gate keeping incels


Lol these people crying because someone else can ride the same flying horsie that they have that is easy to get anyway.

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Of course. Let’s keep changing stuff. What a joke. The only reason they’re doing this is because it will help their numbers. They know people won’t go back to these raids later on in the expansion There is no way in hell I’m playing cata classic when they inevitably release it. I have literally zero trust in any of these wrath “devs”.
Back to pservers i go.


Because they are retail devs. Which is why wrath is trash.


Most people do not have immortal or either of the drake’s. Stop pulling BS out your butt cheeks.


If youre in a guild that raids every week you prolly have all the achievements by now. Even the super casual guild this character is in has literally ALL the meta mounts including dungeons.

Yeah of course nu-blizz would do this. Just gut the game of any sense of glory. LITERALLY in the achievement name… The pleasant memory of achieving my meta drakes turns sour because it’s now indistinguishable from people who can just get it while twice as geared… Believe it or not, being proud of achievements is an essentially -human- element, as well as an essential component of gaming. Remember gaming?


What do you mean half the server has it and is afk in Dal rofl omegalul