Naxxramas Achievement Rewards to Remain Available Throughout Wrath Classic

It might be important to you but anyone you show it to will view it as easy later and it’s value becomes diminished. It’s not a symbol of effort instead it’s common and “uncool” look at thunderfury or glaives.

Common and boring now

If other people look down on your effort, it ruins it.
I have multiple CE kills, usually from month 1 of the content. It matters to me but means nothing to anyone else since they did it after 8 months of nerfs.

It devalues effort to let things be done after it was current.

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The fact that Blizzard is altering limited time prestigious raid achievements because many threads of people complaining with excuses of not getting them shows that catering to the audience of being taken advantage of.Might as well allow everyone to get The Magic Seeker, Conqueror of Naxxramas, and Obsidien Slayer as well (my point is that none of this should be happening).This entire change is big enough to the point where you should keep making changes because this scuffed game that you turned it into isn’t even close to WotLK’s original identity of a game.I learned something important though, that if you get enough customers to complain on the forums no matter what the objection is that Blizzard will be provoked to intervene to support the customer on whatever he or she needs even if it impedes with the game’s integrity.


Well this is a good change for lower population servers. Blizzard did say they originally regretted removing the Black Protodrake and Plagued protodrake so that’s good to see that they are actually putting actions to words.

It was dumb to remove them anyways, as it was the only teir to have such done.

I’ll give a +1 for an actually positive change.


Oh boo hoo I guess you won’t feel special because other players have a chance at a cosmetic item?


would be hilarious if they put an asterisk at the end of the titles earned after phase 1! ducks :wink:

I support all of this! Content should never be removed from the game.


removing content is always bad. I also propose we put the armani bear back into ZA as a 1% drop chance.


I personally lean to ones recognition of abilties should come from…actually showing it in the game play.

Eve return has me in that mindset. I am running a 2 year old char who was a special built alt I am now turning combat minded. One does not need a high IQ to work out…I’ve played the game for more than 2 years.

what I do I am not alone here. many in faction warfare run alts. Why? It trashes standing lol. Which makes the game inaccessible in some parts. I will be shoot on site. So you alt this.

how do I know player X is good? I see them play well…

No dude - everyone gets a trophy these days. Otherwise they might feel like they didn’t accomplish something by… not accomplishing something.


Zero reason to care how others view it.

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What was the point of them at all then… what a joke.

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Why should you have a chance if you don’t even have to put even minimal effort in for it?
No effort, no reward. It’s as easy as that.

Participation trophies, just as pay to win, take the fun out of playing any game.

Well, my sub’s cancelled. If Blizz doesn’t revert this decision, or at least puts an iLvL limit in for those achievements, it’ll stay that way once it runs out.


100% this. Everyone knows the strats, knows how to do it, there is nothing magic about it and Naxx is not difficult.

That dude needs to stop acting like he should get some sort of Nobel prize for the achievement.

Keep it in game and lets alts and those people who are late to the party have something to work towards.

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LOL – You are going to have a tantrum over this?

You really should cancel your sub if a game is going to make you have this kind of reaction. No one cares to be honest, but you’ll be back to playing after a week or two.

That feels like an opinion

Very nice!!


I’m so insecure about real life that I have to prevent people from having fun in a fake one.

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Whats that wooshing sound over your head?

As stated by blizzard, its impossible to have naxx40 and naxx25 in the game at the same time, because its basically the same, and naxx25 is a remodded version of naxx40, thus naxx 40 is no longer available.
Basically the explanation given to scam someone who is completely and utterly oblivious how digital data in general works, but has the impression of a real life painting that is no longer available in its original state after you draw a stick figure on it.

Uh… yeah. My guild got immortal in week 2 or 3 without even trying. Scarab Lord requires a monumental group effort.