Naxxramas Achievement Rewards to Remain Available Throughout Wrath Classic

Well good for you but that was not the case for my guild, 1 mistake 1 DC can cost it all. I feel like people getting on their high horse “well it doesn’t matter anyways because it’s easy” doesn’t reflect a chunk of players

I was replying to a comment that compared scarab lord to immortal. They’re not remotely on the same level.

How are they even comparable in the first place, Scarab Lord is an endurance test Immortal leaves you locked out for a week if one tiny error happens and that can happen every week if you’re unlucky. They are not even remotely the same thing but Scarab Lord is more of a flex it just basically means you forced your guildmates to be your slave for a week


Good! Imagine killing your own fun at the game, just because Timmy and Tommy from Nebraska will a chance at getting 25th recolor of proto drake for another year or 2.

Man…some people are hilarious.

Well, good Asraeos, stay unsubbed lmao.

I don’t think this is a hot take but maybe it is, but I do think there is value in it being locked after the raid tier is done. It’s like how guilds forced themselves to do pre nerf Vash’j the guilds who want it but have failed so far will push for it. It feels better to me if it’s done with the raid tier but this obviously is not worth unsubbing over or caring about it so much it’d just be a neat thing

I would argue that you can make tons of mistakes in Naxx without dying. There are only a few truly dangerous mechanics throughout the raid. I haven’t died in Naxx25 in literally more than a month. DCs happen but sheesh. Most people aren’t that unlucky to have someone die to a DC every week. You just need to pay attention for 2 minutes at a time.

Well I can say the same thing I don’t die either but you can’t control your 24 man raid, 1 person being careless for a bit and accidentally clicking taunt or MDing the wrong target or Kel’thuzad MC getting deleted immediately and yeah there it goes for a week lol

KT is definitely the scariest. And yeah there is lots of dumb stuff that can ruin an immortal run. My guild has been trying to get it again for a couple people who were out that night and we have not managed it a second time yet!

You do realize that these 2 mounts are the only 2 mounts in history of WoW to be removed mid xpac, right?

Didn’t happen with Alar.
Didn’t happen with bear.
DIdn’t happen with Kara.
Heck, ZG mounts are still farmable.
Even all retail AOTC/Mythic and older xpacs mounts are all still available. Some just went from 100% drop to 1% drop. Nothing ever has been removed except for those 2 proto drakes and pvp season. But that’s PvP.

DIdn’t see anyone asking for ZA bear mount to go away once BT came out.

Naxx immortal, even in Ulduar gear, will not prevent 1 shot mechanics. Sure, given extra raid damage bosses will go down faster, but there are still things that can you 1 shot.

People care too much about others. Boohoo I get this mount when you were sweating your socks off. Boohoo. Make a big statement and go unsub then jeez. Yall are so friggin dramatic it blows my mind. How low are yall self esteem that you require so much validation ingame. Why don’t you let others enjoy their game the way they see fit. Jesus christ. Bunch of grown af dudes acting like toddles 'BUT ITS MY MOUNT MY MOMMY BOUGHT IT FOR ME"

grow up.

Me owning this mount in a year does not diminish YOUR achievement of getting it. Good for you…Be happy. Be proud. But if you care so much about others, only tells me how little self respect you have IRL.

Holy Moly. I don’t think meta-esque achievements is comparable to something like A’lar. I’d be curious to hear why you’re so passionate about it are you really so invested in getting it after the phase is done

I suppose seeing bunch of 40 year olds acting like little girls over dumb pixels gets me fired up a little. idk.

The whole thing is dumb. People just need to play the game and not measure the size of their socks.

Back in college, I worked 2 part time jobs, and my first car was a beat up VW, meanwhile tons of my friends had brand new fancy rides purchased by their parents. Not once in my life I said to myself “oh my so unfair”. Last year I bought myself my first new car. Like, 2023 model whole thing. And Im proud of myself. Meanwhile, same friends drive Benz still purchased by their families. Couldn’t even care less. I focus on my own stuff.

We are trying to get it done this phase with my raid team. Last night we had 1 death to a mana bomb explosion. And maybe we will get it next week, or next month. OR even ICC. Doesn’t matter, we still put time and effort into getting it. But I certainly won’t care if Timmy or Tommy from Nebraska get it on their first attempt in 2 years.

It’s like saying earning college degree at 22 is more impressive than at 40.

This is a good change, it’s not like naxx achievements are hard anyways. People had worse computers and internet back in the day. The main reason some people couldn’t get these mounts was just due to how unstable everything was. They should have been retroactively added back in original wrath.

Garrosh wolf mount.

Bear is the most direct comparison and it was removed, just as you said not in the middle of the xpac. But it was removed.

Because that’s not what happened originally. In fact ZA came out after BT. lol

eh treat it as a typo.

It was at prepatch. Not the next patch. Bear was on farm. So, equally, can let protodrakes be on farm as well. Except for its A LOT harder.

aotc mount. Fair. But arguably, was removed because of next was 6.0 patch.

it doesn’t sorry not sorry

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