Naxx will be hard

Actually, you know how i hate the word “hard” or “easy”, but not only will it be “not that hard”, i’d even go to say it won’t be hard at all. Hard compared to MC, but it’s still makes it stupidly simple. If a guild “struggles” and takes 6 weeks to clear Naxx. It’s still a cake walk.

I agree 100%, which is why I find some of the claims of “agony and strife” to be way overselling it. Actual progression is often months worth, with some bosses having lasted 3-4 weeks for the World First guilds for just a single boss kill.

I don’t believe this statement at all. Other MMO’s that don’t allow addons have just as complicated mechanics that get cleared. Its a matter of DBM and things like it make encounters much much easier.

How many people do you think would consistently clear Cthun at this stage without the exact timers for tentacle spawns to know when to push burn phase.

Add ons like DMB make content trivial for the most part, especially when they’ve had 15 years to be more robust.

I’d take everything on the ptr with a grain of salt considering the +3,000 HP +100% damage buff that tons of people were stacking world buffs on top of.

For people playing the game as it was intended, with scarce consumables, no world buffs, and without complete gear funnelling. It will be hard enough.

It does a good job bonking a reasonable amount of people with world buffs, so they don’t quite carry by themselves, which is a good start.

Beyond that, it’s like any other raid, throw enough attempts(until rng and/or tactics go right) and/or gold at it, and most people are on a clock and limited patience, and with high bar on replacements and entry to raid. Seems fine.

…why? RIFT for example had similar mechanics to TBC/Wrath level complexities and didn’t allow addons of any kind for a very long time. When they released their first actually hard raid, the only thing they could really step up were severe class restrictions (every boss had to be Dispelled, only certain specs could do it for example). But MMOs like RIFT and others, always trying to be oh-so more modern after WoW, ended up creating other methods of telling players events were occurring.

  • Gigantic outlines on the ground before an attack lands
  • Loud and notable quotes just before an ability is cast
  • Significant changes to the scenery/environment

Whether we’re talking TERA or TSO, what may have been lost in terms of raw Combat Log print outs, players gained massive tells anyway. WoW went this route as well despite DBM and BigWigs being so prolific, especially with 5man encounters. By Mists, no ability cast by any 5man boss failed to show the player some kind of overt warning.

That’s why we got fights like Mythic Operator and Mythic Archimonde, where the mechanics were so ridiculously overwrought that without explicit info to explain precisely what might happen, you’d fail. Managing the raid-wide criss-cross beams on Archimonde absolutely mandated addon usage. Legion continued this through to the Tomb of Sargeras, but replaced the “must be on the spot with obscure positioning” to “must be VERY on the spot for very KNOWN positioning or everyone dies” and we got fun things like Kil’jaeden’s fight and everyone rerolling Horde for Goblin Rocketjump to cheese the knock-back.

Tentacle timers were known and distributed in Vanilla. I will say that WeakAuras have made the more abstract communication far easier, like tracking the Flesh Tentacle health, but we had explicit timers. I want to say the original DBM timers had cheesy nonsense warnings in them as well like:


If we lacked all timers, some fights like C’thun would be sloppier to be sure, but hardly insurmountable. You can lose so many people in Phase 1 of that fight and still 2-round C’thun without much issue. C’thun is honestly a fantastically boring encounter.

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I feel like classic isn’t the game for you and you should probably move on.

So he proved you wrong and your only counterargument is “hurr leave the game”



No, I don’t think he proved me wrong at all. Go look at a game like SWTOR, specifically the NiM Izax or Revan fights no timers a ton of 1 shot mechanics. No addons. Everything has to be done by competent people and plenty of people still farm it. It’s also tuned as hard as mythics are in retail.

Addons are a massive crutch, if people didn’t have them a lot of classic guilds couldn’t do bosses.

That’s a lie. Nothing is harder than mythic wow nothing!

What a nonsensical and pointless response.


Seriously. Take your anti-addon purity nonsense elsewhere.

Take your anti-addon purity nonsense elsewhere.

Some addons are helpful. Others are intrusive. But it is true that addons serve as a massive crutch. If anything, they serve as a sherpa.

nah bro naxx has been debunked already dont worry about it

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In this context, addons do little more than relay available information in a cleaner way. What’s amusing is that outside of C’thun, boss addons don’t serve any super strong purpose. No one is eagerly awaiting the timer on Broodlord’s Mortal Strike or Nefarian’s Bellowing Roar, notably because the abilities are random once the CD is up. And even on C’thun, the problem is boredom not overactive flood of information. People are generally doing nothing in particular when waiting on small and large eye tentacles to spawn in Phase 2, other than wanding the boss for mana or maintaining some debuffs.

I’m not sure when the sweet spot between boss mechanics and info via addons occurred in WoW, maybe Wrath/Cata, but right now they’re not even a crutch because there’s no hitch to compensate for.

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By a handful of guilds. Not the majority.