Naxx Isn't Unbelievably hard it's just extremely expensive, The game is dying Why can't we have pre patch right now? Part two

OK let me clarify what I meant One what I mean is if you look anywhere read anything about classic most people say this classic is not the most end all be all raid and all of existence.

But like it or not you need certain consumables to clear it because of the way the fights are designed by default and because of bots and farmer bots and gold buying things are so ridiculous.

To the point where players just cannot get the consumables they need to clear the content Or people don’t even wanna step into it because they know the gold ceiling is so high.

I’ll put myself in that category If someone tells me that oh yeah by the way you have to spend 250 gold plus 4 all your consumables and maybe kill a boss for maybe a chance at a item I’m thinking now the challenge sounds interesting and I do think it’s a wonderful raid but.

To spend that much money on a wipe it’s not worth it it’s just not there is no urine T are actually going to get something because of RNG and that’s if you even are able to kill the boss.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that thing should be overly easy like most a classic has been let’s be honest but that’s you know it’s a 15 year old game that was going to happen in my opinion no matter what.

With that said there are still people that do wipe on bosses In the other Raids The point that I’m trying to make I think pre patch which is be better right now one.

I would see it as an encourager for people to jump in or at least bring people back to the game Because like it or not. This is all based on opinion of course.

Fase 6 Has not been a popular phase I mean sure the opening event was cool but if I’m being honest there just wasn’t much in it.

The point I’m trying to make is naxx Is not the hardest raid ever made are there people still clearing it yes.

Is it a fantastic raid absolutely yes But my question is how exactly would pre patch Knowing thas Were most likely getting BC in may.

How exactly does that discourage people from wanting to keep clearing it II don’t understand why is and how is that a badd thing for those people.

Especially if they give us Sharman’s for alliance and paladins for horde if we give people a chance to level those tunes up.

I just don’t see why that’s a badd thing Especially at this point because like it or night began I can only speak for my server. The game is dying New people Aren’t coming in and I think pre patch would encourage those people to.

At least come back and try because they would have a reason to not only that you’d have people whine to practice for arena how blizzard intends to do it at least a taste of it.


Bro. Let the naxx phase play out. I’m the biggest simp for BC and I literally can’t wait for the prepatch, but just let this phase play out. Yes, naxx is rough. That isn’t the only raid people do though. My server has active groups pugging from UBRS/MC/Ony all the way to AQ40. People are keeping busy. It’s fine.

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can confirm, i quit a week before naxx came out. i was already sick of gold farming for hours everyday just to do bwl/aq40 and there was no way in hell i was ever gona keep up with naxx farming. people from 3rd world countries on dummy accounts playing hunter or rogue and farming all the valuable resources every day all day are personally responsible for the death of fun in classic. it became p2w and blizzard just sat idly by and let their game get corrupted by these mongrels.

it wasnt just them tho, the players that purchased gold to buy epics from gdkp’s are just as guilty of killing the game for a lot of people including myself.

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Have your 40 man do it without consumes or world buffs. It’s hard.

slow your horses man, let people have their fun