thats the dumbest thing ive read in a good long while. gold is dirt cheap to buy with real money…it gives you a huge unfair advantage while completely trivializing the effort legit players put into farming their own gold through conventional methods. its the single biggest reason gdkp’s came into existence, which further make a total mockery of classic. its dishonorable and lazy pos people who shouldnt be playing classic in the first place.
people wanted this game cuz it had true progression and you EARNED your gear on your way to the end game. rmt’s go against literally everything that classic stood for and basically turned it into retail where you just swipe your frikkin card and buy gear
edit: not to mention you fake a** sissies continue to kick real players in the groin by encouraging these predatory gold sellers to go out and camp herbs and other nodes 24/7 via botting or whatever other cheats they employ even more…which takes more opportunities away from us so thanks! thanks a lot for ruining what classic was meant to be. hope you enjoyed that gear you didnt earn and are too stupid to use.
looked at your logs btw, how pathetic is it that you saved all that time and grinding by buying your gear and couldnt even get a single 99 parse in any phase of any raid. KEKW
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Welcome to classic, it was always going to be this way with increased server caps and people’s play styles/available information. Add on the fact that half the people on my server are being paid by the government to not work…
All my gold comes from my alchemy & blacksmithing…I’ve never bought gold and never will as I’m too paranoid. …I am one of those “legit players that puts effort into farming their own gold through conventional methods”.
…I suppose that makes my raid parses even more shameful though, as I have the benefit of time & effort invested in this character. In my defense though…up until last week, I’ve always been a secondary tank, so doing odd-jobs and maintaining second place on threat reduces my parsing opportunities, in my opinion.
I mean…if you’re going for mind-control to get Rend buff…that’s going beyond being ‘just competitive’.
We did 10/12 with no consumes or world buffs for the most part.
Roll a mage and farm Naxx. You’ll make 700g an HOUR
Consumable problem solved
If you’re struggling and willing to have an herbalist (which I highly recommend) and alchemist (even if on an alt), then do the following:
(1) have your alchemist able to make GSPP and Mongoose. Both recipes are farmable or available on the AH.
(2) have your herbalist go into all wings of scarlet monastery excluding cathedral, and collect grave moss and fadeleaf. Use a few lockouts on this and you’ll have the main components to make GSPP.
(3) when you reach your lockout for SM head right over to WPL and do circuits around the edge of the zone and you should find plaguebloom, arthas tears, dreamfoil, and mountain silversage. If you use Mongoose, you can make some of your own mongoose and save money. If you don’t use mongoose, you can sell mongoose and make a bunch of money.
I know this isn’t anything new, but just in case someone doesn’t know or is struggling. Being able to make your own GSPP and Mongoose will save you quite a bit of gold.
Or yeah, make a mage or do GDKP lol.
they didnt overlook it lol, they wanted to sell tranfers