NAXX 40 man corrupted Ashbringer/weapons confirmed

WHY, corrupted Ashbringer should have stayed rare at least

Metal. I love that weapon and always wanted it.


omfg i will run this every single day I love Naxx and I been running ZG tons. I don’t even care about ashbringer after they brought it back during Legion. no one has that mog and it’s cool lore so whatever.

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this one is kinda meh…they already destroyed ashbringer lore with Legion, so I guess might as well lol

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Why? :thinking:


will they still have the SM event you think? that would be really cool to experience :nerd_face:

isn’t that already gone with the various reworks the dungeons gotten?

I could be wrong, but I thought the most recent (MOP?) rework removed it

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if T3 drops then that will be sweet


With Patch 10.1.5 PTR, Blizzard seems to be giving Naxxramas the same treatment as Zul’gurub in Patch 10.0.7

I misread that and thought they were bringing back ZG too, got excited, then made myself sad when I re-read it and realized it was still a dead.

Side note, I don’t see anything about Ashbringer in that article. Did I miss it or is that just him being preemptively angry?


you’re right they changed the dungeon - and it’s been updated (for lore reasons i believe)…cathedral is still there though so maybe we could get something similar?

that was the coolest part about the weapon…well that & the whispers :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

totally, I’d love to experience the event firsthand

when I played classic I had to give away ashbringer to make one of my paladins happy so I didn’t even get to see it there.

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zomg can I finally complete the Icebane pieces?!?!!!

All weapon drops are now blacksmithing items under new names

There’s a name “unholy sword of might”

It’s obvious what that is

come on dude. Confirm info before getting your feathers ruffled.


good thing i had just finished releveling classic blacksmithing back to 300

people absolutely care, and it’s still a big flex item.

nice to see it back, but let’s be real - some of those old items are absolutely status symbols in-game (which i think is important…just a 'lil)…also some of them are intentionally designed to be rare due to there only being 1 of them in the story. (just keep that in mind).

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Am I missing something. Where does it say anything about the Ashbringer?


This post is intentionally false and misleading. There is no information anywhere that indicates the Corrupted Ashbringer will be one of the items that is obtainable. As a matter of fact, the word Ashbringer isn’t even used once in the article linked by Zumakind.