Nathanos Ruined the Horde for me…

The worst thing about Knaak’s self-insert is that it’s also what gave us half-elves. :nauseated_face:

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But yeah, put me in the “I liked original Nathanos from Plaguelands” camp.


My toons enjoyed the time where we could kill him again and again as part of a prepatch.

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He doesn’t represent the Horde, he was just a self-insert for the weird creepy arrogant narc way the team was back then when they worshipped Game of Throne’s sadism and were SAing employees and it felt yucky because that’s the way they felt about the people playing the game and didn’t have any respect for the players. They still probably don’t but at least they are now forced by law to pretend a bit. Lol.


Nathanos is the reason I finally switched to alliance in BFA. I still have some horde characters but following that annoying trash around in BFA was insufferable.

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Truth. Politeness is free, rudeness can be very costly.


I always had a bit of a soft spot for Nathanos but post new body he was pushed into the foreground more than he needed to be.

I think it would have been interesting if we saw him a little less, he was still snarky, and a bit less mindlessly devoted to Sylvanas. Then he could have taken over as leader of the Foresaken and I don’t think folks would have minded.

I would have preferred him to the Desolate Council who I forget exist most of the time. And who have Calia on staff who is basically an Alliance character. And THEY took over after Prime Governer Vellcinda Benton and if you don’t know who that is I don’t blame you because she was in the novels and all we have in the game for her is a grave.

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I found it bizarre that Nathanos got killed right before Shadowlands… and then we don’t see him at all in the Shadowlands. Like where did his soul go? Did something happen in a novel that I missed, or did I miss some lore? Seems like he’d be the kind of guy who goes straight to the Maw.

I started to hate Nathanos as a character when they turned him into a panting simp that would bend over backwards to appease Sylvanas’ every whim. He was better before he had the spotlight, just like how I started to hate Sylvanas’ character the moment they brought her back from throwing herself off of Icecrown.

Nathanos’ voice was fine, though. I just hated the words that came out of his mouth every time he opened it lmao

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He was killed IN Shadowlands and did indeed go to the Maw! Sylvie didn’t know until the Battle of Ardenweald and after she regained the lost part of her soul she vowed she would find him again in the course of freeing the Maw’s souls.

Shadowlands was a WEEEIIIIRD story.

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People were desperate to find an excuse for why BFA was so bad, latched onto a stupid joke tweet of Danuser comparing his goatee to Nathanos’s, and they never let up after that.


And a third windrunner

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What does this mean? Is the “Champion” some kind of otherworldly entity that acts though an avatar? Or that our characters arent canon at all?

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Yep, I agree. Eat too much sour candy and you can get citric acid burns in your mouth. Nathanos to me is like that.

Our characters are not canon. “We” represent the “Champion” of Azeroth.

OK, well. He’s dead. So.

There has always been three Windrunner sisters. Alleria, Varesa, and Sylvanas. That’s cannon from the RTS games.

This happens in fiction a lot unfortunately. An ensemble dark horse is a dark horse for a reason. The writers realizing they are popular and then overusing them is the best way to ruin that appeal.

See: Boba Fett


I liked Nathanos. He was one of the few characters that had any personality.

Nathanos was one of my favorite characters. I liked how he didn’t kiss my rear end every time I encountered him. He’s also the only good part of Seething Bore.