Nathanos pre patch cinematic (spoilers)

And then went and got a bunch of them killed. On purpose. You realize that the only way the story works for Sylvanas is that she doesn’t let her true intentions become known at the beginning of the expansion. That’s why the devs were gaslighting, dodging and outright lying so much in those interviews before and after BfA launch.

It was clear that they were gaslighting in order to not drive off the people that were (justly) wary of how things were shaping up. But, sure, let’s play your game of take a singular line without including the rest of the quote or context:

They say this:

So, there you go. They said Sylvanas and Horde evil.

Now, this is the part where you flail abouthandwave and say this is different somehow or doesn’t count.

We’ve seen the quotes, Elesana. Nowhere, in any of them, did Blizzard state that Sylvanas would not die. They did say that she isn’t going out as a simple raid boss, never said she wouldn’t die though. Garrosh didn’t go out as a raid boss. He was a raid boss, but died in a cutscene following a quest chain the next expansion.

I checked your sources. It’s clear you either didn’t read them thoroughly or stopped reading them when you found a line that you could misuse or of context.
