<NASCENT> Team 8, 9/9M 8Hrs LF DPS

Nascent’s Team 8 raid team is recruiting talented and passionate raiders. Spots are for progression- not the bench.

Website: nascent.gg/

:arrow_right: Raid Times
Tuesday 8:00-12:00PM CST
Thursday 8:00-12:00PM CST

:arrow_right: Progression
Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11M
Uldir: 8/8M
Battle of Dazar’alor: 9/9M

:arrow_right: Recruitment needs

:arrow_right: Social media
Twitter: nascentgg
Facebook: nascentgg

:arrow_right: About us
We embrace competition for all raid spots on our team. Progression spots are given to the top performing raiders on the roster after considering composition. We do not have a large bench, therefore as a trial you should expect to be participating in progression.

We raid Tuesday and Thursday 8:00-12:00 PM CST. That is 8 hours a week. We never add an extra day, never “stay late if close to a kill”, have a “clean up day”. Our logs are public so you can go see for yourself. We do have an alt night (Sunday), but those are simply for the enjoyment of having an alt and are voluntary.

We don’t run split groups, but having a viable off-spec is helpful. We run a tight roster and having the ability to swap roles is important for optimizing around a fight. Showing up prepared and knowing how to optimize around a fight is how we clear content.

We have an open feedback policy so that everything is kept on the table. We have no cliques, no seniority, and therefore no drama. Everyone is both encouraged and expected to provide each other with honest feedback and criticism. It keeps us all on our toes.

Nascent is unique amidst a sea of poorly managed guilds that lack focus and direction. If you’re looking for a new home that you can grow in and feel valuable as part of a team: come talk to us.

Please submit an application on our website if interested. Or contact one of our recruiters below to learn more:

Raeb - Raeb#11542
Aliella - Aliella#1564

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Had some pretty good pulls this past Thursday on Conclave with only 2 decurses (gg, Valentine’s Day). Going back in Tuesday for a kill! Looking for all high caliber flex players to join us for progression!

Conclave is down after some class shuffling from some awesome raiders, and we had some really good pulls on Rasta after. Still looking for flex classes, maybe a main spec healer. All ranged is on the table, as well as a DK. Don’t be shy, come apply!

Still looking for more talented players. Come join an efficient two night team on emerald dream.

Still open to strong dps, flex players, and specifically a DK.

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Still looking for talented players

Rasta is dead, and we got some solid progress on Mekka as well. Looking to add some talent of most roles to our roster.

Still seeking to expand our roster!

Come app! No overtime, no drama. Still seeking solid players.

Mekkatorque is going down next week! Still seeking exceptional dps to join us as we defeat the High Stinker and storm the Blockade.

Looking for talent in most roles to fill our roster. Come join an efficient 8 hour team and live out your wildest casual dreams!

Attention, all mythic World of Warcraft gamers. Varok Saurfang is in great danger! He is about to get passed in progression by Jaina Proudmoore. He needs to maintain the #1 faction spot in Battle of Dazar’alor so he can achieve the MYTHIC CUTTING EDGE ROYALE. How can you help? Easy. Go to nascent.gg, click on the forums, and apply to Team 8. Easy!!! But be quick, High Stinker Mekkatwerp is gaining on him, and only YOU can save Varok Saurfang and help him get the MYTHIC CUTTING EDGE ROYALE

This is not a bump, it’s a call for all you lovely hardcore-casuals to check out a CE 2-night team seeking skilled players!

bump, still looking for good players, close to getting Mekk down, save yourself from burnt-out by raiding 2 days only at an efficient rate :slight_smile:

Still looking to add strength to our roster! Role flexible players welcome.

Still looking for more talented people.

Mekkatwerk the High Stinker is down, and we’re on to Stormwall. Looking to make quick progress on it, then onto the Jaina grind! Still looking for talent in all roles!

Do you all run Mythic Dungeons as well?

Headed back to Stormwall tonight.

@Mokalyn Yes, we have lots of people who like to run keys.

Looking to bring in some solid dps folks to round out the tier, either ranged or melee. High preference to Ret, Rogue, DK, Mage, and Boomkin!

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