<NASCENT> Team 8, 9/9M 8Hrs LF DPS

Still looking for talented dps. We’re in the final push.

Jaina prog has begun, if you think you have something you can add to our current team then apply on the website!

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Jaina is slowly but surely going down. Starting to work on phase 2. Still looking for exceptional dps to join our ranks!

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Hey guys, not sure if you have heard but NASCENT is selling M BoD carries

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Jaina progress is still in full effect. We’ve seen the wall and are closing in on the final push. Still need solid ranged dps to round out our roster.

Jaina is dead friends. We are still recruiting dps to round out our roster.

9/9 cutting edge again! In need of some new dps to fill out the roster for CoS and next tier!

Still looking for strong dps.

Still looking for talented players.

We’ve got our sights on Cabal, come join us to see them fall! Seeking any talented players who wish to see high-end content without the high-end pricetag.

Rogues? Locks? Flex healers? DPS lets gooo

Just wanted to drop in and congratulate you guys on Realm First Uu’nat and representing ED on the hall of fame!