Nar'thalas Mages have the Darnassus faction tag

Wisps were some good times.

I remember when Draenei was first shown, it looked like they were on Mt. Hyjal as the starting zone. And since they looked like Eredar people thought the Wisps had taken new forms from destroying Archimonde.

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Not entirely sure, will have to check when i get home from work but I’m pretty sure they are portal keepers to Azuna, just like other races open other portals in the portal rooms for each faction.

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That they are. They’re in the portal room in Stormwind’s Wizard’s Sanctum.

I’m willing to have a discussion and debate with anyone… but I’m not going to play leading question pattycake when it has nothing to do with my point.

Says the Night elf.


I’m not leading a question I’m literally telling you that this is the situation, on the broken isles the only location lorewise that makes sense for the alliance to have is where the emerald nightmare dungeon takes place.

If we start arguing locations like azsuna just to make things even, when the alliance could easily have locations like the Jade forest, or any number of locations within pandaria, or other areas that make sense( shadow forge city) then you’re arguing for a story that’s even further compromised than it already is. This is the exact reason faction war stories always end badly because things have to be “fair” and it generally makes for an unsatisfying story.

So what? yes, the Night Elves have taken some deep hits in this expac, that’s very little compared to the villain bat that’s been spread among the entire Horde, especially if you’re playing a Forsaken.

For me personally, I’ve enjoyed this expansion. My professions were actually USEFUL to me for a change, the scenery of Kul Tiras and Zuldazar kicked it up another notch and the storylines… including the Fall of Darnassus and the War of Thorns that led up to it (which was a lot more than what the Horde got for the fall of Lordaeron) was an engaging storyline. It got Alliance players to actually care about the Tree for the first time in the better part of a decade.

The quest lines in Kul Tiras (I’m still working on the Horde ones so I’ll reserve my opinion on them for now) fit well within the atmosphere of the environment, ranging from the horror themes of Drustvar, the war and Cthulu themes of Storms Wake. and the campy party of Lord Novington. Players who rp Wildhammer dwarves find a decent hook here as you meet one who’s convinced the Kul Tirans that gryphons have a better use than as a food source.

Yes as a Night Elf, my character is angry. As a player, I think I’ve been decently served. Are there areas that need improvement? Yes, I think the character compression had gone too far and Blizzard seems to have finally come around on that point of view. Locking the completion arc of the main story inside a mythic only dungeon was a clear mistake, one that they’ve rectified.

There are some weaknesses in story execution, especially in the “Perils of Pauline” , I mean Azeroth which is definitely the B story of the campaign arc. Not very much has been done to turn it into anything but an Azurite grind up to now.

As to the overlying story of Sylvannas herself which is the A story of the expac, I’m still waiting for the resolution before I judge it, but as I’ve made the point time and time again, the angst about it, is pretty much confined to this small forum community which is far from representative of the player base at large. You gripe and moan about how the War of Thorns cost rpers two capital cities, while most players are happy that they’ve got two mounts out of the deal with potentials to get more. Most of the angst about this expansion outside of those involving game play is self-generated.

You do realize you’re contradicting yourself, right? Examples of the Horde being treated unfairly are still examples of Blizzard showing no obligation to treat either side fairly.


I was going to type out a lengthy reply since it would be the proper thing to do, but I’ve decided to take a page from Blizzard can make an offhand comment about it in an interview or a Twitter post.

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