Nar'thalas Mages have the Darnassus faction tag

I was actually talking about the two night elf sibling mages you quest with. If they can have relatives amoung the Aszuna else, so can others.

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Ah, okay, I understand now! Sorry, was confused before.

I have always wanted the Night Elves to be closer to the Pandaren and Jinyu after the Valley of the Four Winds, Krasarang Wilds, and opening of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms questing, so I can obviously see preference for that.

I don’t think there are any living Court Elves who are being kept from going back home to Azsuna if they want to?

Even more than the Darnassian Night Elves not showing up in 8.2 beyond Shandris, I think it’s really disappointing that the Court of Farondis doesn’t, since there’s was the one zone that really didn’t get a conclusion while all the other zones on the Broken Isle felt like they did.

This I would definitely think would be awesome.

Thank you! I completely forgot about them (and their goofy tendency to fireball their family members in the face). Though the children were Kirin Tor tagged, not Darnassus tagged (once again, probably so the Horde players could interact with them). Though, we do know at least one Highborne, Daros Moonlance, stopped by Dalaran at the end of Wrath of the Lich King, so might have been that others did as well and joined the Kirin Tor instead of coming to Darnassus.


That is a good point as well I’m kind of with the loa of death on undeath it’s an unnatural state and while not inherently evil it causes some serious complications in regards to inherienance of territory, social norms etc

That’s not usually an issue with the Night Elves, though. If the Court of Farondis was freed from their curse (and I think the Night Warrior would be a good way to do that) they’d go on to being wisps, like Magister Garuhod did. And we see Night Elves living with the wisps harmoniously pretty much everywhere they settle.

Did night elves always become wisps or did that start after the planting of the world tree? Because night born and blood elves don’t become wisps upon death. I always assumed that night elves became wisps due to their connection with nature

Azshara says the curse makes them more than undead. So the curse is like inverted life. You’re undead, but actually not your body maybe gone from the physical plane, but your spirit can act and be touch, be touched and hold physical object on the living plane. Maybe their bodies are resting in the shadowlands while their spirits are forced into the living plane and to fix it they merely need to unite them both.

The Court Elves were supposed to turn into wisps, which pre-dated the planting of the world trees. Somehow the Night Elves were already connected to what I think was meant to be G’Hanir:

    The Academy was the center of magical knowledge before Queen Azshara sundered the Tidestone of Golganneth, which caused the curse. Basically, it killed all of the elves and doomed them to an eternal existence—rather than turning into wisps and returning to the Great Tree, they’re stuck here as ghosts.

According to Chronicle Aessina was also known as the Mother Wisp, so I’m not sure how that factors into anything.

Amusingly in my research I remembered that Wisps were an April Fools race for the Alliance:


From what we can tell yes. It seems like becoming a wisp is a unique trait to Kaldorei in specific, likely due to worship of Elune, with Aessina offering Wisps the opportunity to remain earthbound to protect their homeland and descendants—Those who do not go on to a “land of wisps and shadows” mentioned in the lament for Teldrassil. The Nightborn seem like they abandoned all their old worship traits in their long time in a bubble, and the Sin’dorei totally abandoned all their old devotional practices for sun worship.

Also it is good to note wisps are not counted as undead. Becoming one is more like a reincarnation into a nature spirit than remaining as an unquiet spirit. Wisps, at least who choose to remain on Azeroth, loose their old senses of self and memories pretty rapidly. The entire way they perceive the world is stated to be totally alien to a living Kaldorei.

Azshara’s curse is a proverbial monkey wrench in the works, preventing the natural transition between one existence and the next. That’s why when we saw the one example of a Court of Farondis breaking free they immediately became a wisp and vanished into the hereafter.


I meant that when Azshara speaks to Farondis she implies she can reverse it completely not just let them die and rest.

I think either having current undead spirit elves or inverted living elves where their bodies are their ghosts forms be a cooler than just turning to wisps. If we ever actually have an old god expansion in the Shadowlands or Void it would be cool to see these elves return with a vengeance. Somehow finding their resting bodies in the Shadowlands and breaking the curse only to discovering near immortality by being so intertwined to both realms.

Remember the dailies when they cant be killed and are just annoyed to be dangling from spears as the naga invaded their capital city? We see that they can fight and interact with the living some remember they’ve been cursed and others act as though nothing ever happened repeating their days over and over. It would be fun to see the Azsuna Kal’dorei becoming yet another branch of Night Elves.

Magic has been retconned so that there is no consequence to using it anymore. It made sense when using magic was like using it in Warhammer or Dragon age where it gave demons/whatever a window into the corporeal world. Besides, the Burning Legion is done for.

True. I blame most of it on poor writing. Like most things in this expansion.

Maybe there will be something about it in 8.2.

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That’s how it has to work. Horde players pay the same sub as we do, and globally there are more of them.

All this I find interesting as well. Likewise with the ghostly Black Rook Hold Elves. If both forces joined the rest of the Darnassian Night Elves they could be like their version of the Dunharrow ghostly army from Lord of the Rings.


Mainly because.

  1. They did not ANOTHER Dalaran portal in the mage tower/hut to confuse people

  2. The Crumbled Palace is a decent midway point in the sub 110 content. and it has a few amenties, i.e. mailbox and some vendors.

  3. That’s a portal location for the Horde as much as the Alliance. So I don’t think Farondis’ people are going to be sporting Stormwind colors any time soon.

There is even a portal back to Orgrimmar (and Stormwind) in the ruins now, too. But the Horde NPCs making the portal to Azsuna in Orgrimmar are Nightborne, so I don’t find that as significant as the Nar’thalas Mages with Darnassus faction tags in Stormwind (and, given in 8.2 Thalyssra is looking back fondly to the Alliance and Horde working together the Nightborne themselves might be heading back towards neutrality - lore wise, not gameplay wise - like Tauren tend to be seen as).

Of course not.

They’re sporting Darnassus colors.


I assume that this so that they can be proper PVP targets. And the process went kind of like this.

“What are these long-eared mages in the Stormwind Mage Tower?”

“Ghsot night elves.”

“What tag do I put on them?”

“Well, they’re Night Elves, ghost or not, so put the Darnassus tag on them, stupid!”

That’s not how it has to work at all. The world doesn’t have to be split in half fairly and it rarely is.


This isn’t the world. This is a game. The players are customers, and yes the company IS obliged to treat them all fairly.

Drahliana, there have been several instances of things not being balanced. The Gnomes did not get Gnomeregan back when the Darkspear got the Echo Isles back. The Worgen Gilneans did not get a town when the Bilgewater got their Harbor. The Horde was for all practical purposes missing from Legion. In the War of the Thorns the Horde marched through Ashenvale, Darkshore, and destroyed all of Teldrassil lore wise, while the Alliance never went through Hillsbrad or Silverpine Forest, and left parts of Tirisfal Glades standing.

And both Alliance players and especially Horde players are complaining right now that Blizzard isn’t treating them fairly with BfA.

This is a game. A game that doesn’t have to be perfectly mirrored between the two playable factions.


The NPCs making the portals to Boralus don’t have faction tags but are pvp targets, so faction tags don’t seem to be required for that.

So you’re completely fine with the lore and progression of the game being terrible as long as it’s fair?