Naming and Shaming rule

It’s not a “belief.” It’s fact. I’ve known people on the moderation staff. We’ve got transparency from the SFAS, as well.

If you’re unhappy with you believe something is done or have a question on it, ask in CS. Orlyia and Vrak are pretty open about how things work.

What I dislike is people spreading misinformation because they make assumptions over something they’re unhappy with.

I’ve been sanctioned here and had it overturned with appeal. Why? Because humans make mistakes.


Because they’re in a Discord that gets a lot of flak. They don’t run it and rarely participate in the behavior that’s gone on in there, though.

And just so this doesn’t start a fight… I, too, have gotten flak for my own Discord. It’s not uncommon around here. There were some really bad servers back in the day. Not so much anymore. But people still talk.


Imagine having such a need for drama that the forums alone can’t satiate you and you need a discord about the forums to compensate for it.


Most of the community Discords were just a way to get away from the toxicity or wonky moderation here. But a few have channels to complain about people here. Or they did. Some were created to trash people here, but from my understanding, those are defunct now. Ripped apart by their own drama.

Mine had to go through a major spam of rules in their faces to stop the complaining about the forums, though. Which is why it got so much flak. People were using it as a way to rant about people here. That stopped, a bunch of people left and now it’s just quiet chilling. Half don’t even play WoW now. It was my fault for not being prepared for that in the first place. But it was fixed. People still think we’re some sort of cult, though, out to get everyone here! :crazy_face:

It’s why I don’t go into Discords from here.

Based on the rest of the post that’s an image that people earned for themselves so it’s hard to blame the others that see it that way.

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thats what i love about toxic discord channels being toxic and having someone more toxic then you and can’t handle and its gets deleted by the creator or mods lol

Eh. Some of them are chill. But I get it. You never know. And it can get tiring finding out the hard way.

People leave mine now, because we’re boring. :rofl:

ok.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

Thanks for the insult. Rumors, bullying and harassment don’t define a person, though.

Not responding further to you.

I’m a hermit anyway.

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I’ve had to calm down a few of these conversations in one Discord I moderate. It amazes me how people can be that toxic and then get Shocked Pikachu Face when their comments are suddenly gone and they’re muted for a day. lol

What? It wasn’t an insult it was a response to these words. “People used to do all of the things they are accused of but they don’t anymore” is just a tough sell for me. Wasn’t even talking about you or your discord specifically.

I’ll give final words on this.

Yeah. It was. I responded to be open about things that happened ages ago and you blamed me and others for the harassment and bullying we’ve gotten recently.

Mistakes happen. People change. Circumstances change. Doesn’t mean people deserve the crap they get thrown at them. It’s why I diffused the original discord comment, because even the one Ayukama is in doesn’t deserve to be crapped on anymore.

What you said was a horrible thing to promote. I’ll utilize the ignore for now so that I don’t respond further to make the situation worse.


So anyhow.

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I could care less because I can just use the report function instead of naming and shaming because it is ultimately up to the forum and/or in-game moderators. Also, I do not let anyone live rent free in my head. Especially, those whom I have never met.

Personally, I would just drop it because it does not need to be enforced because it falls under the spam category anyway.

Here are a few examples:

Naming and Shaming is a form of Harassment.
Harassment is a form of Flaming
Flaming is a form of Spam.

Therefore, Naming and Shaming is covered under the anti-spam rule whether it is specifically written down or not. It is also up to a forum moderators discretion on whether to punish those who spam or not.

I know all about forum moderation because I’ve been a forum and trade moderator on different non-blizzard platforms. When I was younger, I’ve also broken every single rule over and over again on yet another non-blizzard platform. I was such a troll whenever another troll messed with my online friends. I would jokingly ask them if they want me to reply. Like seven people firmly pleaded “Nooooooo Zach Noooooo!”

It would be better to open a support ticket and ask this question directly.

It’s actually specifically covered under the harassment rule. Which was already posted as a blue post earlier.

I think every bit of drama when people add in discords always leads to unrest on the forums. Like, some people it seems are always out looking for a fight.

Like, why does it always have to be about discords and people just fighting each other. Why can’t everyone get along?

I’m calling you out, Jaina! You mean to tell me you can summon and fly around in a giant battleship, but when baby boy king whatshisface gets kidnapped, suddenly ship go poof? You coulda fired 10 cannons right into Sylvanas’s face! Bam bam! :bomb::boom:

Hey, the Flying Dutchman always needs a captain.

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