Naming and Shaming rule

Because I spend a lot of time on the Customer Support forum. Please do not spread misinformation.

I said I believed that the mods are AI i didn’t say they actually were. But I find it strange a lot of threads come and go like the wind. A lot of them dont break any rules of conduct I find that strange.

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And then saw fit to question me as if you were giving factual information. The moderation system is not automated for the forums. The only automation is a spam functionality that will auto hide a thread if it meets specific flags by the system that could categorize it as a bot— but that is also reviewed in case the system incorrectly caught it. And a thread can be auto-hidden if there are no replies and the OP is flagged hidden— which is also then reviewed.

But a post within a thread or a thread with replies is not auto-moderated.

Your opinion on what is or isn’t against the rules is irrelevant. Too many people around here think blatant troll threads are okay or threads calling people out are okay. So what you believe is not what moderation believes.

If one of your posts or threads is deleted and you are sanctioned, then you put in an appeal. They will decide from there.

one person hitting a button one time, is not spamming.

hitting the button doesn’t delete peoples posts.

flagging doesn’t remove posts.

I wish I’d seen this quote before I bothered responding to anything you’ve said.


The wording in the TOS wont be name & shame it will be under " Harrasment & Defamatory / Libellous ".

There you go.


Blizzard loves to claim their CS isn’t AI but what’s funny (not funny) to me is their answers are so bad that it leads the majority of the WoW population to believe they are.

Maybe their should change the way they answer people so they won’t think this but nah it’s much better to make fun of them for believing they’re talking to a bot than to give them good replies to their tickets.

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The ones who claim it are just trolling, always looking at hijacking threads to make zero point.



It mostly just irritates me how it works.

If you use wildly inappropriate language, but nobody reports you, you’re fine.

If you use mildly inappropriate language, but a lot of people report you, you’re not fine.

Feels like a fox-in-the-henhouse situation.

Nah I don’t think so. I also read the CS and other sites and I see the replies Blizzard gives to people that have nothing to do with their problem.

Blizzard is creating the rumor they’re run by AI, not the players. Maybe they should do a better job answering tickets.

You’ve already been answered: This falls under the “Content that can result in harassment” category of the linked rule.

This thread is done. There’s no other discussion or interpretation.

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They just use auto-fill templates, like basically every other customer service on the planet.

Their CS could definitely do better at actually caring, I’ll agree. They give very “just hitting whatever buttons keep the boss off my back until I can leave at 5” vibes.

For better or for worse Blizzard isn’t going to pay someone to patrol the forums (or the game) looking for offenders. They rely on player reports to take action on anyone.

I’m just glad that I get answers to my tickets within a day or two here. I’m on day five now still waiting for a response to a ticket in Palia.

Even if I have to resubmit after a template response, I still feel like at least someone saw it before sending the template. With Palia it’s just…

Thank you! I actually already decided to leave the discord in question. Just felt too mean spirited and promoting toxicity for me. They even had a bot with commands to post screenshots of people they wanted shamed.

Im no saint but when your discord server’s rules say follow the WoW ToS and then you dont do that, you know lots of BS is around the corner.

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world of tumbleweeds.

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Well its very simple , if I say your horde race is ugly I get away with it even if I am racist .

But If I say you are ugly , I get notification saying your post has been hidden, then after few hours another notification saying you have been suspended for 3 days with a link to Code of conduct. Baah !!!

That’s because people are being hurt and playing victim for far too many things.

Keep in mind, the rules here for the forums are not related to discord servers. Who ever host a discord server will have their own set of rules, and will not be related to the Forum Code of Conduct.

If there is a discord server where people are being toxic, or are naming and shaming, then yeah, feel free to leave it. But Moderation can’t do anything about it since it is on Discord, and not here on the forums.

Also, what do you mean, “my discord?”

Sounds like you think there are human moderators that check 100% of every flagged post and that no automatic moderation of any kind happens.

I guess we will just disagree then. I don’t trust Blizzard enough to believe that at least 1% of moderation is done automatically when a threshold of reports both in-game and on the forums exist, and if 1% can exist I believe 2% can exist and so on.

There’s no need for us (or you and half the people in this thread either) to just keep going back and forth about what we think is true. I can’t disprove you and you can’t disprove me. You’re gonna keep saying “no its not true” and I (could, but wont) keep saying I think it’s true.

We agree to disagree as the saying goes.

I appreciate your passion about this, it seems like you have a lot of exposure to customer service and have an invested interest in the process which is what I assume fuels your belief that no moderation happens without human interaction.