Name Violations on RP Server

Blizz, I could really use an official response on this. Are reported names manually reviewed or automated? I am not against either method, but there seems to be a lot of ambiguity in regards to this in the RP/RPPVP servers for Classic WoW.

all reports are reviewed.


I believe that too, but do you have something in writing? Like a link to a relatively recent “Blue” post? A lot of people think they are bot assigned. Too me, name violation reports are too finicky to let a bot review.

Its like chat violations except theres no squelch first its been that way either since the begining or years.

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I think a “Blue” post putting it out there, or if there is a link I missed would be great. I want to stop some of the misinformation being spread.

I am trying not to be antagonistic, but users who are replying are not the same as an official response. I really do appreciate the responses.

Edit 2: I am silly and spelled violation wrong in my search. Found a recent enough situation with Vrak responding. Thank you for the help.

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Search these forums, CS specifically. You will find a Blue response to this

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There is a reply in a recent thread about a naming issue:


There are plenty of blue posts stating so, I have done so a number of times over the years. Apparently everyone’s google-fu is as bad as mine. :stuck_out_tongue:


DIdn’t need to google-fu. It was on the front page of Customer Support. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Almost wonder if if matters like squelch/sikence and name changes need a sticky? Just a thought

For what it is worth, I did mention I found one of your posts :zombie:
But, alas it was my spelling that done me in.

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