Name Violation - Account suspension ( i am paying a game that i am afraid to play)

Beep bop boop.

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I gotta know what this name is.

There’s an answer for that. Ok, “that name is not permitted” is a catch all category. IT doesn’t mean the name is offensive, but rather that the name is BLOCKED for some reason.

The primary reason of course is the name is offensive. The secondary reason, not so common, is that you’re trying to take a name of a blizzard employee or the like.

IE “Shane from Accounting.”

This is to avoid potential legal issues of someone taking Shane’s name and in game saying “yes, I’m Shane from Blizzard.”

You can imagine scammers would LOVE to use that.

So there are names that are BLOCKED for reasons besides being Offensive.

Taking the same exact name COULD actually get punishment. IE “circumventing the rules” and all that. A guy actually tried that, renaming his toon the same exact name. Blizzard gave him an actual in game BAN for trying that.

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I wouldnt make character names resembling anything with profanity sex or discrimination. also if its derrogatory. Just my two cents. Good luck going forward!

I’ve told people that of all my names, if one of them happened to be offensive 
 I’d be honestly shocked. But I wouldn’t complain and I’d think even harder on how to create an even more interesting name.

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I had a pandarian monk named Anuslicker for a while
then Blizzard forced a name change.

My toons have always been named based on the perceived culture in which their race lives. My Tauren are named based on Native American tribes, my Highmountain Tauren are named after Native American tribes, my Blood Elves have Greek or Greek sounding names, my goblins are named after mechanical parts, sounds or made-up words. My trolls’ names sound African tribal or Jamaican. My Draenei names sound Eastern European. Except my lightforged paladin named Palidynn. My pandaren have Chinese names.

It just strikes me as so immature that people name their toons offensive names on purpose. A former guildmate named his mage Illegalalien and had it flagged for change so many times they eventually banned him, I heard. He was not a very nice person a lot of the time, so it was no great loss.

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What the 
 I don’t even 
 You should have been banhammered.

I mean for 48 hours I was :rofl:

I did have something like that happen. I have used the name Trumpkin for my dwarf characters for years. Trumpkin is a dwarf from C.S. Lewis’s Narnia works.

Thanks to a . . well. . current history. . Someone out of the blue reported it and I guess managed to get others to report it to.

Even before then I would get people sending me tells on my mage Digory if I liked Harry Potter. . I was like NO. . his name is from Narnia!!


They could easily just not allow the user to use the same name again. Banning for such a thing is ridiculous. Especially for such an easy and harmless “circumvention”.

I hope he renamed it to shum lmao

I don’t think they routinely add offensive names to the list. Only the most heinous ones would end up there.

The fact that you re-used the name kinda indicates that you are not getting the message.

While they could create a routine that prevents you from taking a name that’s been reported, by the time you are kicked to the rename screen, your name has already been changed to one which has a string of numbers after it.

Nobody gets suspended the first time they get a free name change, unless the name is judged highly offensive by an employee.

Continuing to re-use the same name AFTER having gotten suspended for doing this already is out there.

I know, it’s what happened to me, I could just use the exact same name again and I’m still using it years later. But they person I was replying to claims that someone got banned for even attempting to use the same name again, which is ridiculous whether it happened or not, but I certainly hope it didn’t. When I got forced a rename, I didn’t even get any warning message. It just kicked me out and asked me to rename with no reason given. At that point, the player will naturally at least try to use the same name they had again and preventing that is an easy task. If they can really ban you for trying it, then they know what the name was and can simply not allow you to use it.

You have a great name for a Tauren :purple_heart:

what in gods name are you people naming your characters that could even get you suspended or banned? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Okay, so I am curious. What did you even name yourself anyway that got you banned? Considering you’ve yet to mention that, it had to be something pretty disturbing and worthy of a ban.

Also, depending on if you are on a RP server or not you can also have your name flagged for not following community guidelines and RP etiquette. “Cobofcorn” could get you flagged for a rename for example, simply because when you think of a name someone is going to RP under, it just doesn’t fit.

Well given that there isn’t anything wrong with the name. I have a friend who named her monk Kungfufu. It had been flagged for a re-name about two years ago or so and she was pretty upset and thought that the system was a joke. So I told her she could just rename her character that again. She did and hasn’t had to change it since.

Naming your character something obscene just to make people mad or just to be disgusting, then I can see why people would be flagged for a rename, but something as harmless as that? Just seems a bit excessive.