Name Something Blizzard Did Well That You Miss

Remember , you fired the first salvo.

If the battleground queue ui wasnt duplicitous tampered with one sided california hacker crap…people wouldn’t suck!

Hey Blizz… I hope you are taking notes.

Made expansions without Anduin.

Right before Blizzard nerf resilience pvp gear towards the end of MoP, i was doing very well at pvp. I was on top of my game and than Blizzard decides to pull a rug underneath my legs. Kick me right in the berries by nerfing resilience pvp gear. I haven’t been the same since then.

The right thing. More specifically - they used to create the game from inspiration when they actually cared about the users experience. I miss that the most.


Leveling Blizzard seem to forgot how to do that in retail


Combat Rogue. If I wanted to play a pirate, I’d play another game.


Interesting zones.
For example in Wrath we had Hallowing Fjord, Grizzly Hills, Sholazar, Dargon Blight, Crystal Song, Storm Peaks and Ice Crown. Each of those were beautiful had an identity.

Now we have 1 nice area in Hallowfall.



I loved it a lot. But then the austoscaling came. And the level became just a number.


WarCraft lore began with Horde vs Alliance. It was all about how the Alliance was living so peacefully and then the Horde came and ruined everything. It was all about Orcs and their allies vs humans and their allies.

No, it was orcs vs humans. There was no alliance. Just the orcs horde killing everything on azeroth. That was it, that was warcraft 1. Super bare bones with almost no lore in it.

I miss the lore.

Everything from WCI all the way through WOTLK was fantastic. Lot of good lore during Azeroth’s history prior to WCI as well

Nowadays all kinds of things get disregarded and :poop: on to make room for goofy retcons and outright god awful decisions/choices because of the attitude/mindset of “who cares about lore in an RPG game, amirite?” from the playerbase/devs



That was a world record breaking RTS game. SC2 brought in over 1 billion for Blizzard.

It is a flat out lie that the Divine Steed made more money than SC2 did… First off, the person who said so asked to remain anonymous at first, secondly, that person also initially refused to state what store mount they were referring too. SC2 selling over 17 million copies and for $$30-50 each depending on if you got CEs at the time vs one mount that sold for $15 that only had 8 million people at that time total who could have even have bought it. So no, that mount did not make more money than SCII did. Anyone can say anything online and then have the algorithms set up to show the search results they want. Even if each and every person playing WoW bought that mount, it still would not equal up to SCII sales. Reason why the person who said that tried so hard to hide who they were and what mount it was they were talking about?

The cinematic for WC1 back in 1995 literally calls the good guys the Alliance and calls the invaders the Horde.

Had enough lore to make a movie out of it and to make a WCII sequel and WCII expac and then WCII battlent and then WCIII and then WCIII expac. WoW exists because WC1 came out. If you actually played WoW and did the quests and listened to the quest givers in the starting zones in Classic, lots of it is referencing events from WC1. Even in BFA that was mentioned. In WoD it was mentioned because a movie came out based upon that lore that you claim does not exist.

When they actually cared about their playerbase rather than just profit… didn’t last too long when certain idiots took power but I still miss the good times where you didn’t have to fear people may report you for BS reasons and get away with it

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While I’ll give you HotS, Overwatch is absolutely a genre defining game, by which all others are measured. While it wasn’t the first by any stretch (TF2 came out almost 10 years prior), Overwatch single-handedly shot the genre into the mainstream, basically overnight. To this day, “how much like OW is it?”, is the baseline comparison for all other hero shooters.

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When access to the content was part of the reward for being able to play nice with others.