We all have one or more things we loved about Blizz that we don’t love anymore.
Enjoyable storylines with interesting characters.
Endgame that was built more around playing and enjoying as a community, rather then a speed running and esport favored dungeon/raid design.
Horde vs Alliance storylines.
Garrosh Hellscream
Make good RTS.
Seal and judgement paladin rotation.
no one misses that . . .
Hunter pets where you could choose the spec and be able to have any main pet by your side.
How do you mean? Hunters still have pets.
A different story for each faction in each expansion. Now it’s just generic (Alliance) stories in every expansion with a token Baine (also Alliance) quest somewhere along the way.
I miss that from Legion. When you did the Broken Shores quest and we lose Vol’Jin and Varian. Both sides shared similarities, but how it was told and played out were polar opposites.
Brawler’s Guild. It was a cool RP hub. It had some really fun fights. It seems like a lot of effort put to waste and locked away, likely to never return.
I’ll add Horrific Visions to the mix: They were more fast paced and frantic, but once you got a route going it felt great pulling it off. More interesting than Delves to me.
Not having the factions separated at least by campaign story took a lot of the soul out of the game for me. Can’t say that I blame them though. Players begged to pay the same for less story so why would they turn down a gift like that?
We use to be able to spec any pet we wanted to be with us.
Take the spirit pets for example they’re set as a tank spec, in Legion I could spec it to DPS and have my twin pets with me in raids and dungeons.
The only time I actually been social in game it was fun and people having a good time.
I miss Demonology Warlock from Wrath. Demon form and the spirit-based spell power buff was just neat.
I also miss Unstable Affliction being a spender ability instead of the newer Malefic Rapture for Affliction.
Individual servers of all types, no shards or the phasing that came with it. I kinda miss the occasional open world PvP that happened on pve servers. Would love it if retail could return to that, Classic doesn’t have my collections.
I don’t think the current team at Blizzard can be accused of ever doing this. Metzen maybe and in his defense he still cares. About
Customer service.
Tickets used to be easy to put in and they were answered by actual, paid humans. Now, putting in a ticket is a convoluted mess, worse than most automated phone call answering and routing systems. And when they do get “answered” is usually some form letter that doesn’t even address the problem we’re reporting. Everything now is designed to make players just give up and live with whatever problem they’re having so they can pay fewer people to fix player problems. Them yachts aren’t gonna buy themselves.
This would be something I miss as well. They used to have a flair for it, and you never waited more than a day.