Name Archive

Hey guys! Back again. I have a few unused names available to trade. I’m mostly looking for names on Moon Guard-- naturey or mythology-related names are a plus! If you don’t have anything to trade, though, don’t hesitate to hit me up. I’m open to gold offers, and may just give some of these away to good homes.

Wyrmrest Accord:

  • Journey
  • Agate
  • Peace (would be on 30-day cooldown; trade only)

Moon Guard:

  • Larkspur

P.S. Will also trade any for “Pumpkaboo” on WrA for a friend :slight_smile:

Hit me up on Discord!

I’ve been trying to get the name Mimi for over five years. I know it’s on an inactive character, but likely not an inactive account. If anyone has a clue as to its whereabouts, let me know please. Thanks.

I am looking for Aphrodite, Lenore, and Camille!

I offer the names to the archive;
Pleading, Alexandrien, and Lovelybones – all available on MG! Pst me! <3

This thread absolutely needs a discord server or something to make communication much smoother.

That said, I’m looking for a warrior-like name for my Human Warrior on Moonguard. Fun or legit names work for me, but I’d only be able to offer ingame gold. My discord is Akumati#4061

selling “Lucid” “Enigma” “Elysian” for IN GAME GOLD ONLY, or trading for Illidan names :slight_smile:

my bnet: Exile#12689
my disc: Dawn#4937

I support this! Would be much easier to keep in contact with everyone trading names. :smile:


still selling these, :stuck_out_tongue:

See latest post.

I don’t normally advertise anywhere aside from my TRP, but I have a decent list of names on both MG/WRA if anyone is interested! I only trade names for in-game gold (name trades also work).
You can reach me via btag @KEVIN#113701.

What names do you have for trade? It would help if you list them out so I know whether or not to bother you.

i have some names here on MG i’d be willing to trade/sell(gold only, obvs) if anyone is interested:
“Grip”, “Heartache”, and “Melba”.

i’ve also got a couple of names on various other servers (sargeras, blackrock, stormrage, illidan, and mal’ganis to name a few).

if anyone is interested, feel free to add my bnet: bre#1750.


updated list of names i have on moon guard:
Brecken, Comfortable, Difference, Eeva, Grip, Heartache, Marita, Melba, Opt, Wye
also have the name Agnes on emerald dream.

bnet: bre#1750

Just wanted to mention that I still have these names:
Drednaw (Moon Guard)
Meatlog (Moon Guard) (GONE)
Eaglehoof (Moon Guard)
Kurangi (Moon Guard)
Tuktu (Moon Guard)
Harshu (Moon Guard)
Hovoni (Moon Guard)
Beefu (Moon Guard)
Singer (WRA)
Shot (WRA)
KKSlider (WRA)
Bury (WRA)

Please contact me on here if you’re interested in making a deal.

I currently (and for quite some time now) havent had a sub going, but that shouldnt be too much of an issue for name stuff.
For those on a certain thread who like to stalk my posts and are trying to claim I am banned, just know I’m only liking posts and not posting because I dont feel like paying for a game that hasnt been fun for a few expans and is a crapfest with the company right now :slight_smile:
My Discord can be given if you are interested in the names, but I cant leave it on this thread any more, for in the past, people from this other thread have stalked my posts, found my Discord and said some very against the rules things to me. Sorry if that means first contact for the names will be a little more difficult, but I’m pretty tired of deaththreats from people who dont like it when others have a different opinion than them.

Selling on mg -


btag - Flap#11946

Worth a shot… I’m looking for “Raedolf” on moonguard! I used to have it… but as far as I can tell it is held by a low level. I’ve been attached to the name for seven years now, and it hurts to use a special character ö.

Discord Redmane#1794
Btag Redmane#11966

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Hi! I know the player who has Lore on MG (she’s in my guild) and just wanted to let you know that she’s been incredibly attached to the name since she got it in Cata. (Lore is her main.) Figured I’d let you know!


I want the name Morton - Moon Guard

Willing to trade/pay gold

Btag - LeToak#1443
Discord - Tufa#2164

Im open to other offers, I want a name for the salty title.

My bnet is LeToak#1443
I’m interested in the name Meatlog

Sent you a friend request on Btag :>