Name Archive

Don’t worry, most of you will die and ill see you all in the maw, tortured for eternity. :stuck_out_tongue:

The Mawsworn are coming…

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Someone is being a bit grumpy


So what you’re saying is you’d like to buy one of my names? Send in-game mail and we’ll work something out.


I have Haidene, first high priestess of the moon. Her statue graced the temple of the moon in old Darnassus. Any player in Amirdrassil would kill for that name.

I have Jarasum, Grand Vizier of the Conservatory of the Arcane on Argus.

I have Vishas, human member of the Scarlet crusade. “Tell me…tell me everything. Naughty secrets. I’ll rip the secrets from your flesh.” Vanilla players are forever scarred by him.

These are just a few names i use that are more valuable and immeasurable than any other names and they aren’t for sale. I don’t need anything anyone else could ever have.

Ill sell “Kirin Tor” on the classic server if someone is interested. buccaneers.

Glad to hear it!

I absolutely loved how batssss crazy this Scarlet was! He actually made it into the Brawler’s Guild as a unaffiliated sadist.

Still looking for Bliss, Blissful (or a variant of Bliss), and Fabulous.

damn you really need that many names? sounds like hoarding to me. idk. :wink:


Out of curiosity, how much value would a price tag be for the guild “Scarlet Crusade” be?

4 mil/10 mil?

i have players bugging me and its annoying. I worked hard to get this name.

Honestly, it’s just personal preference. If you think your name/guild name is worth 4 mil, then stick with that unless you’re willing to go lower if you were to sell it. I personally would never spend 4 mil on a guild name.

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Awww what’s funny about this plan is all the names I’m hoarding is on a real account.

Seethe more.

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why don’t we get these kinds of ragebait posts on the wyrmrest accord forum its like a desert over there

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Wyrmrest Accord has an entire 2013-era tumblr drama blog dedicated to it. You’re eating pretty well over there in regards to drama.

But also, it does really suck to sell someone a name, thinking it’s going to be actually used for a character, and then see that same person update the “selling” list of a post they’ve made on here to include that name. They’re not using it. They only wanted it to sell/trade for something of higher value than what they got it for. And it’s likely that the name is just going to sit on their account for years, unused, exactly like what would happen if the person had just deleted it and some random person got it instead.

This thread is a nice idea, but many of the people here are either extremely greedy or have outrageous expectations that their names that are the same quality as “Loveringly,” “Kissingest,” “Heartfully,” or other words found in sticky notes attached to a dictionary, will ever be traded for names like John or Maria or Sarah.


Wow talk about broke-back. Again rather pathetic to hoard names in a video game for profit. That kind of behavior reminiscent of three types of people.

A: Live in a trailer or 3rd rate apartment. Broke beyond measure yet work a 40 hour job or live on food stamps.
B: Under 18 and have no job or means of working, just living in a basement like environment.
C: 3rd World country like India, robbing for gold then selling it to stupid suckers for real money. The worst of the worst. But then they are living better than any wow player.

Honestly, hoarding words out of a dictionary is just sad. Impressed someone takes the time to read words out of a dictionary first.

Its WRA noone cares about that server unless they are horde and even then most horde migrate to MG, or play alliance more than horde because Alliance MG RP is so superior according to the Ravers. Naturally. :stuck_out_tongue:

I live in a 300k house that’s in my name.

I’m in my 40s with a six figure job.

I think some people consider Ohio third world but it’s actually a nice state. I love it.

Seethe harder.

Ive had this happen a few times :C I try to offer pretty low prices and then I see them later on afterwards being sold for a few million ;A; Its fine though, just is one of those “oh” moments.
Least it brings some sort of happiness to the buyer so I suppose it’s still a win.

Meh, I don’t mind this. They bought/traded for it, so they’re free to do whatever with it. Could just be that they did want the name, used it but ended up not wanting it later on so they’re looking for another name to use or gold to get back what they spent and giving someone a chance to have it as well.

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Dr. Phil is way smarter than you. For one thing, he doesn’t say to someone “HURR DUURRR I BET UR 18” then when that person says “no, actually I’m in my 40s” he says “HURR DURR why do people tell others their age?!”

I didn’t say that out of the blue, I did it because it’s fun to make you look silly.

Obviously not since I’m not lying. I work for the FAA as an ATSS. My paycheck, as a gov worker, is available to the public.

Someone that’s had to deal with another poster stalking them and reporting old posts.

What I think is sad is you’re the kind of person that would be so nasty to people over nothing.

You’re boring me. I see the BS and the empty bravado that you are a mob character. You can talk all you want but in the end you are a fake. You can waste your time trying to insult me but in the end i see you for what you are.


Name trading is reasonable but asking for absorbent amounts in a game is overkill.

Sure, sure. That’s what someone always says when they’re taking a massive L.

Hello pot, meet kettle. Kettle, this is pot.

You are the one that started off insulting people.