Name Archive

I’m looking for the names

I’m still looking for this name!

Deleted these names from my account so they are up for grabs to whoever wants them.


I have the following names for sale, please contact me on Battlenet (Varliance#1444) or Discord (Varliance #8447) if you’re interested in purchasing a name or have something for trade. Reasonable prices guaranteed.

  • Lore Related: Mimiron / Chromatic / Farstride / Guttertongue / Plagueland
  • Words: Unwholesome / Unforgotten / Nautical / Whispering / Overgrown / Steampunk
  • Generic Fantasy Names: Caeleb / Cheridan / Grigorian

Other Names:

  • Seafolk
  • Skullwitch
  • Aeromancer
  • Lionsworn

I have a preference for feminine arthurian sounding names – let me know what you have!

Updating my name list.
Mostly looking for gold as the names I want are apparently in use by someone actually using them… But feel free to offer for trades anyways!

Arbok - MG
Paras - MG
Dreadnaw -MG
Tyrunt -MG
Shelgon -MG
Fraxure -MG
Druddigon -MG
Shuckle - WRA
Koraidon -WRA

Pearlcatcher -WRA & MG
Banescale -WRA & MG
Veilspun -WRA & MG
Bogsneak- WRA & MG
Gladekeeper -MG
Tidelord -MG (ON HOLD)

Other names I’m willing to part with:
Beefu - MG
Eaglehoof -MG
Yaff - MG
Moochi - MG
Krul - MG
Lank - MG (GONE! Found a new home :smiley: )
ArticWolf- MG
Fangless - MG (hehe… toothless :>)
Fanged - WRA
Scowler - MG & WRA
Kirbo - WRA
Blooper - WRA
KKSlider -WRA

See latest post.

Hi everyone! I have some names up for sale on MG.
Argument — Pedant — Sylphlike — Zaralek — Energize — Perfected — Lithesome — Hellishly — Impudence — Halone — Furtively — Honorably — Crescendo — Misdeeds — Wretchedly — Commentary — Reddish — Gospels — Religions — Nabber — Spellcrafted — Spellkeeper — Spellspun

Prices vary, but if interested feel free to add on discord (Silken#0008) to work somethin out!

I’ve culled some unpopular names and replaced with with newly caught names, as well as updated contact information.

I’m looking for feminine arthurian sounding names (Old English/Gaelic, Romantic Literature etc) – show me what you got! I’m happy to trade or purchase, or even a little of both!

Looking for a few Warhammer names. As well as Generic names. Willing to pay a LOT of gold for some of these. All on Moonguard.

Luther (Will pay 3 million plus for this one)
Hawthorne (Will also pay very handsomely for this one)
Magnus (Will pay 3 million plus)
Malcador (Will pay a lot for this one)

Send in-game mail to Luke on Moonguard or add me on discord: Cache#0020

I have recently begun migrating some characters from Argent Dawn EU over to Moon Guard US and have been lucky thus far with none of their names being taken. Until… The name of one of my most beloved OCs has been claimed on Moon Guard and I would love to find it and have it.

If anyone has the name ‘Kaisarion’, please contact me and we can work out a trade or sale! My discord is clover#1236. Thanks!

Hello :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:! I’m still looking for trades! Please respond to me here via reply or mail me in-game @Scythe-Moon Guard or @Hate-Wyrmrest Accord.

Trade Only: :sparkling_heart: Trade or Gold: :blue_heart: Make an offer: :purple_heart:

Wyrmrest Accord Names:

:sparkling_heart:Cutie*, :purple_heart:Sadly, :purple_heart:Tied, :blue_heart:Bovine*
:sparkling_heart:Zeal, :purple_heart:Druidic, :blue_heart:Sunwell*
:sparkling_heart:Spirit, :purple_heart:Chomper, :blue_heart:Aye, :blue_heart:Beastly*
:sparkling_heart:Hate, :purple_heart:Sink, :purple_heart:Holier, :blue_heart:Risk*
:sparkling_heart:Easy*, :purple_heart:Bearer, :blue_heart:Fatality*
:sparkling_heart:Salt*, :purple_heart:Surface, :blue_heart:Seethe*, :blue_heart: Toothy
:blue_heart:Zaram, :purple_heart:Excite, :blue_heart:Lull* , :blue_heart: Surfal
:purple_heart:Last*, :purple_heart:Seen,

Moon Guard Names:

:sparkling_heart:Surfal*, :purple_heart:Toothy
:purple_heart:Sullied, :purple_heart:Steep

Special offer: If you have the names ‘Spirit’, ‘Zeal’, ‘Salt’, ‘Easy’, ‘Cutie’, or ‘Hate’ on Moon Guard, I am willing to do an exact trade from Wyrmrest to Moon Guard, as I have those names on Wyrmrest but I’m enjoying Moon Guard more these days. None of these names are up for trade otherwise.

Oh, as a last note, names marked with ‘*’ may have a cooldown attached. (30 days) Also, names listed under ‘make an offer’ are special, I’ll probably take anything for those if what you offer piques my interest. Please ask!

I hope you guys are having a wonderful patch!

Someone pointed this out to me and I guess I’ll give it a shot here. I’m looking for whoever has “Lissarra” on Moon Guard. The only thing I’m able to give in exchange for this, to my knowledge, is a character that has the nickname “Cyn” – pronounced “Sin” – if you wish to contact me regarding possibilities of the name exchange feel free to send me mail on Lissarra-WrA or Rytia-MG.


Hello :sparkles: Moon Guard :sparkles:!

Weird note, if any of you have any cute names on the Wrath Classic realm Mankrik, please let me know I’ll pay gold for/trade names on regular realms for them.

  • I prefer trading good names for other good names.
  • I will only accept gold on Moon Guard.
  • I’m ALWAYS down for bartering since names have different values to different people.
  • Contact me on discord(Wyn#1983) for quickest response. Otherwise you can reply on here, or send me a mail or whisper in-game.

Have these names on Moon Guard:

:sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: (Mythic Tier) :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:
Deviate, Redead, Eternos
Heathen, Pygmy, Proto
:sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

:yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: (Heroic Tier) :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:
Outskilled, Nerfs, Modicum
Frangipani, Chitter, Desira
Untold, Favored, Ottuk
Vorquin, Rockfang, Famish
:yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart: :yellow_heart:

:green_heart: :green_heart: (Normal Tier) :green_heart: :green_heart:
Rocked, Khazgorite
Carapid, Honeyed
Salamanther, Magmammoth
Crystalspine, Amoredon, Azmerloth
Snoll, Kritha, Sansok
:green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

My friends are trading/selling the following names, and asked me to post for them.(:snowflake:= Name is on CD)

On Moon Guard
Rekove (Evoker spelled backwards)
:snowflake: Phastos (One of the Eternals from the Marvel Universe)
Latrice, Dovima, Shuga
:snowflake:Dwarfs, :snowflake:Maraj, :snowflake:Ethos
:snowflake:Hive (Trade only)
Portaldaddy, Portalmommy

On Turalyon
:snowflake:Pal, :snowflake:Crypto, :snowflake:Angus
:snowflake:Swamp, :snowflake:Skip, :snowflake:Casper
:snowflake:Penace, :snowflake:Barnyard, :snowflake:Bonejovi

LF THE FOLLOWING NAMES on Moon Guard for myself and some friends of mine! I’ll trade most any names I have for these, or we can discuss purchasing it from you for gold.
If you own these names or know the owners of these names, please let me know, even if it’s to tell me you’re unwilling to sell/trade. (Closure is always nice.)

  • Akara
  • Katsumi
  • Aliya
  • Coffee
  • Sheva
  • Shoshana
  • Kristar

Here’s to hoping everyone gets names they love! :heart:

All of this name stuff could be easily solved if Blizzard used the same system as Battletag for Character names. Any name you want- with some # and a string of numbers.


… or allowed last names, or freed up names more offen on inactive accounts, or tied names to accounts, or…


Even Discord is going away from that. No one wants to remember the numbers.

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I think last names and lowering the threshold from 4 years to 2 for name releases would be better.

help me… :melting_face:

This isn’t a fast moving thread. You might make a post then a month later hear from someone, if at all.