Name Archive

Looking for the names “Farewell” and “Graves” on Moon Guard!
Offering gold, just name your price. Especially for “Farewell”.

Also have these names to offer in trade or for gold:

  • Besmirched

  • Bloodsoaked

  • Entombment

  • Exterminated

  • Sprawling

  • Graveyards

Looking for names “Rain”, “Nature” or “Cuddle” no alt codes please. Will pay in-game gold!

Also am looking for other names that are short and/or nature related.

Bnet is Rain#18912

Thank you! :heart:

Names I have and are willing to trade. Anything marked with ** may have a cooldown timer. I have no specific cost in mind and am open to negotiation.



My Bnet is Dez#11784

Looking to sell Leesin-Moonguard open to negotiations. Add me on Disc Kelby#0153 or Btag Daelz#1142 30day wait timer.

Looking for the following on MG:

  • Jackson
  • Mazy (can trade 1:1 for the same name on WRA)
  • Might consider other “common” names

Available to trade on WRA:

  • Bryan
  • Janet

Available to trade on MG:

  • Whack
  • Weslyn
  • Motel
  • Dairy
  • Mutant
  • Biologist

Willing to conduct trades only… unless it’s for Jackson on MG in which case I’ll offer you my firstborn.

Hello! Would you consider selling some of these (in lieu of a trade)? Please let me know your thoughts. :slight_smile:

New list updated below. Thanks!

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Looking to buy the following names on MG:


Add me on bnet! CowboyCurtis#11812

See latest post.

Selling for gold (or trading): Mordrake, Thornwitch, Prescilla, Matronly, Watching, Rescued, Solemnly, Empathic, Darnassae, Maidenly, Scrivener, Shrouded, Deathling, Playwright, Sunscryer, Yesteryear, Bonecracker, Corpselike, Webweaver, Terrifier, Icecrowned, Westfallen, Dishonest, Worrywart
Send in-game mail to Maia on Moon Guard if interested!

I have the name Felicity UFT or up for sale.

Bnet is Ayrenn#1949, discord is Ayrenn#7645

Sent you a friend request :slight_smile:

Name Aff - Tichondrius up for sale.
aft#5708 discord, aft#11994 bnet

Looking for a few Warhammer names. As well as Generic names. Willing to pay a LOT of gold for some of these. All on Moonguard.

Luther (Will pay 1 million plus for this one)
Hawthorne (Will also pay very handsomely for this one)
Magnus (Will pay 1 million plus)
Malcador (Will pay a lot for this one)

Send in-game mail to Luke on Moonguard or add me on discord: Cache#0020

Hi there! I have the following names for trade, all on Moon Guard. I’m looking for darker names/words. Willing to trade for a great name, otherwise they’re available for gold. Send in game mail to Piryn or add me on bnet @ LuridUnicorn#1285

Acrylic, Blindness, Claymation, Colonize, Creditscore, Cremains, Deathblow, Deios, Disembody, Disinter, Doer, Downswing, Downer, Dragonblight, Earmuffs, Equalize, Eraser, Eulogist, Forbade, Gallop, Granyth, Graveside, Immure, Indoor, Innovate, Interval, Kyrakka, Matted, Mirk, Officiant, Outdoor, Passed, Pointer, Psychward, Remaster, Removal, Reproduction, Reside, Scanning, Sealion, Shapeless, Snap, Techno, Tend, Timeshare, Tombraider, Treemouth, Trendset, Tubbie, Undertake, Voice, Waist, Wherever, Wratheye, Wrongdoer

I hope everyone has a great night!

Been a while since my last post, thought I’d make an updated one! \o/
Looking for fruit, food or just generally cute sounding names (Bitter, Bruises, Peach or Velvet are high priority for me) - willing to trade for other names or gold! ‘v’

Moon Guard names for trade/sale:
Shikamaru, Dewdrops, Chocolatey, Gnawing, Mawtouched, Bitemark, Seashell, Clutz, Stigma, Preaching, Sinew, Dehumaized, Altered, Hindsight, Fitgirl, Deaththroes, Sprawling, Exterminated, Entombment, Bloodsoaked, Graveyards, Besmirched, Relentlessly, Punctures, Ritualize, Destroying

Wyrmrest Accord:
Ironbull, Thorns, Kikyo, Metalhead, Meowscarada, Grimes, Neliel.

If any of these interest you, feel free to send me an ingame whisper or mail on Cherry-MoonGuard or add my discord!

btag: cozy#11622



Got a few names for sale. Very unlikely is it that I want anything for a trade, sorry!

Levi, Derek, Garthe, Rhino, Claus, Deucalion is my list! Add me on Discord to discuss at Slappy#6770

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Hello! I’ve never sold names on the forums before but I’ve sold quite a few in game :stuck_out_tongue:
I have for sale on MG (please offer)
Ablen, Athenie, Razersharpe, Bellander, Bellamont, Brickroof, Dah, Deadlyheart, Deadlyice, Doorlocked, Halftoes, Holypally, Ironcraver, Kieran, Kyiki, Lightfaith Lovelyheart, Ocularist, Plagueblood, Plaguedblood, Roof, Voidgem, Voidhusband, Voidwife, Warmaid, Warmdeath.

onto some uh odder ones

Boostedbunny, Boostedcat, Boymeower, Bunnypolice, Femboydrake, Dragonuwu, Drakeuwu, Uwudragon, Femboyscalie, Femboywyvern, Goathugger, Kittygoat, Deadlybear, Catfemboy, Cutiehugs, Pastelrat, Saddenedrat, Murderneko, Cutiehugs, Bearkisser,
Gloomygoth, Gloomyboi, Gloomyboy, Gloomygirl, Tiredboy, Tiredboi, Lovegem, Pastelfairy, Skysnake, Sanriobabe, Sanriobaby, Sanriolover, Shrekbaby, Stewardlover, Tenderlover, Beardedwoman, Pastelangel, Poggerschan, Guykisser, Menkisser, Womankisser.

if you want these as a bundle please ask ! :stuck_out_tongue:
Grapejam, Grapejelly, Cherryjam, Cherryjelly, Figjelly, Fruitjam, Fruitjelly, Mullberryjam, Kiwijam, Kiwijelly, Orangejam.

send an ingame mail to ehrie-moonguard (alliance) or sultryprince-moonguard (horde) or add me on discord Bellgrave#9864!
Thank you for your interest :3

I don’t really want any names but there’s a small chance I’d be down for a trade so if you have a list send it, it wouldn’t hurt :stuck_out_tongue:

Sold: Quiver :3


I am looking to buy (with gold) the following names. Just DM me and name your price, or let me offer a price, I will pay handsomely for the following:

  • Bee
  • Belore
  • Bright
  • Deer
  • Libra
  • Light
  • Moon
  • Nana
  • No
  • Noa
  • Noah
  • Phoenix
  • Sun
  • Sunny
  • Any short words (3-4 letters tops)
  • Any flower, tree, plant names
  • Any common names (IE Noa, Rene, Lea, etc. :wink: )

Thank you very much! You can reach me at Discord via Noa#9833.