Hello! I’ve never sold names on the forums before but I’ve sold quite a few in game
I have for sale on MG (please offer)
Ablen, Athenie, Razersharpe, Bellander, Bellamont, Brickroof, Dah, Deadlyheart, Deadlyice, Doorlocked, Halftoes, Holypally, Ironcraver, Kieran, Kyiki, Lightfaith Lovelyheart, Ocularist, Plagueblood, Plaguedblood, Roof, Voidgem, Voidhusband, Voidwife, Warmaid, Warmdeath.
onto some uh odder ones
Boostedbunny, Boostedcat, Boymeower, Bunnypolice, Femboydrake, Dragonuwu, Drakeuwu, Uwudragon, Femboyscalie, Femboywyvern, Goathugger, Kittygoat, Deadlybear, Catfemboy, Cutiehugs, Pastelrat, Saddenedrat, Murderneko, Cutiehugs, Bearkisser,
Gloomygoth, Gloomyboi, Gloomyboy, Gloomygirl, Tiredboy, Tiredboi, Lovegem, Pastelfairy, Skysnake, Sanriobabe, Sanriobaby, Sanriolover, Shrekbaby, Stewardlover, Tenderlover, Beardedwoman, Pastelangel, Poggerschan, Guykisser, Menkisser, Womankisser.
if you want these as a bundle please ask !
Grapejam, Grapejelly, Cherryjam, Cherryjelly, Figjelly, Fruitjam, Fruitjelly, Mullberryjam, Kiwijam, Kiwijelly, Orangejam.
send an ingame mail to ehrie-moonguard (alliance) or sultryprince-moonguard (horde) or add me on discord Bellgrave#9864!
Thank you for your interest :3
I don’t really want any names but there’s a small chance I’d be down for a trade so if you have a list send it, it wouldn’t hurt
Sold: Quiver :3