Name 12-character limit should be increased 💬

Anyone else think this 12-character limit for names should be increased? Especially now considering there won’t be much to do for the next 5-6 months other than work on/level alts.

There’s a lot of good/funny names that just “barely” don’t fit with the current 12-character limit. If it was say, 15 (or even 18) characters then a lot more names would be possible.


After 12 characters you’re honestly just throwing letters at the screen to see what sticks.


We don’t need more meme names. They’re annoying enough as it is.


They should allow us to add spaces and special characters into the naming as well


Honestly I’ve always thought having last names would make characters more unique and would be able to use a name multiple times.


you can use Alt key codes but that is as special as you can get sadly…im all for increasing the names

That’s another possible addition. I wouldn’t mind “last names”, although I would settle for just a longer character limit (for more/better name possibilities).

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Really do want Blizz to get on board with the 21 Century and implement last names like every other major MMORPG on the market. Trying to name a character after fifteen years is just painful.


what i mean is like Vol’jin or Mai’kon kinda thing it won’t let you do that

Yeah I can’t wait to play with ‘B1GD!CK’ and ‘0WNZ ur MUM’


Blizz if you’re reading this, hi :slight_smile: , also if you implement last names I would appreciate a way to turn them off my unit frames as well. CVar option is fine

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Yeah no meme names.

That would drive me insane.

I think most of my character names are between 4 to 7 letters long. The longest name I have is “Evangelyne” everything else is fairly short.

just because you or others would use it inappropriately doesn’t mean everyone would lol

some people like to have more realistic names for their characters lol


I just wish we could use apostrophes and hyphens, limit it to one per character. That and the option to give your character a last name.


some people like to have more realistic names for their characters lol

If that were the case you shouldn’t want special characters at all.

The Starcraft 2 Beta community ruined that for us. They tried for a change in naming system by allowing players to have TWO names separated by a period so you could be “Jon.Doe” this worked all well for 2 whole days when inappropriate names popped up on the ladder board like “Childmo.Lester” topping the charts. It got scrapped in less than a week.


Look at troll names for a second… and rethink that

If the game can filter it when its all one word, the game can definitely filter it when its multiple words.

If it can’t filter it to begin with, then there’s your problem.

Right I forgot how realistic trolls are.

This is why we can’t have nice things.