Naleidea Rivergleam (voice acting) made me uninstall Dragonflight

I found her voice acting odd and sort of cringe at first, maybe cause it’s a female blood elf. But now, I don’t know why, her voice acting and character has started to grow on me. I like that she also has a unique talking animation for world quests


I too like to bring up stuff that doesn’t happen anymore…

Oh wait!

Since I can see you’re still living in 2019/2020, let me clear the air. After the lawsuits were exposed and after all the mess regarding Blizzards employees was exposed (including the cube crawls, among other things) there was a purge at Blizzard. Anyone involved in the behaviour outlined in the sexual harassment lawsuits was fired. Some quietly, others not so much.

As of right now, in the year of Green Jesus 2023, as far as we know, there are no more creeps and harassers left at Blizzard.

Could some have slipped through the cracks due to the fact that the majority of Blizzard’s employees have been working from home? Yes. Will they manage to keep their employment if they start repeating the crap that they were doing before the COVID-19 lockdowns forced everyone to work from home? No.


“The Firelord has risen! We must turn back!”
The sheer existence of emo drake back in Cata puts OPs claim about VA quality in doubt.

The voice acting has always been a bit cringe. Illidan’s speech to Akama. Tirion’s long AF rp with Arthas. Problem is people have gotten so blinded by nostalgia. Toddy and Nadia are annoying to listen to, and Sendrax alone is nearly enough to put people back on the boat, but none of this is new to Warcraft.


Its a little funny you can tell that’s Renathal’s va with the “WHAT? There is too much nature what are YOU doing?!”

I know its common for blizz to reuse voice actors. So I just think its fun to be all “oh hey I know that voice”

Speaking with great experience in reading that I reckon?

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Still think its a tad funny the “you are what is wrong with modern warcraft” go on to call people snowflakes and then get mad over a voice actor just doing what the voice director is telling them to do.

Ain’t saying thats you. Just rambling.


This is greatly improved. You should have heard Sendrax’s voice acting in beta. Now THAT was awful.


It was fine. Altho her more childlike voice made her death sting more

The people complaining about voice acting being bad are hilariously weak willed. All the games I played had pure concentrated cringe in voice acting to the point where it becomes part of the charm

Yeah. WoW could be WAY worse


That’s adorable.


Yeah, Toddy’s voice acting seems entirely off. Some of it sounds like a bad mic but… oof.


If you’ve got something to share, by all means.

Otherwise pipe down stumpy or I’ll ask the Fel Reavers to practice their goal scoring techniques with you.

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Naleidea is very meh. Cringe trophy definitely goes to Toddy though. Honorable mention for all of the Tuskarr VA’s. “Brena!” lol


I would listen to her read the Bible to me. That’s how much I like her voice.


I already did.

You’re adorbs.

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She’s one of the best VA’d NPC.

Toddy on the other hand . . .


Well you do you dude. And also, WoW’s historically never been great for voice acting.




I’m not sure this is much of a defense lol.

“Hey, it’s bad…but it could be worse!”


I don’t think current WoW voices are bad.

I was merely born in the cringe. Molded by it.



You know that word loses meaning when you use it all the time.

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I think we should all be able to agree that Malicia is the worst.

Every time a supply crate spawns: “Looks like you could all use some racehorses.”

Tried so hard on the word “resources” that it comes out sounding so derpy.

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