Naga to join

I would love a Mimic race that could use the Mage’s “look a like” spell at will.

deep space 9 called them changelings.

and on trek topic, and a bit more metal, a borg like race…/shudder

Would love some new skin options for mechagnomes, and maybe a “Legion” themed paintjob would have that Borg effect. Honestly, a race of humans who are biomechanical would be cool, and then in their combat form all of their tech pops out to show them as tinkerers.

this guy went completely wacko and made a trailer for castlevania with the most expensive list of stars in entertainment. the movie would have to outsell LOTR and star wars combined to make a profit

Only if we get ogres.

And more tints of their heritage armor.

It’s insane to me that their armor only matches one of their “skin” tones, and that tints of the armor matching the other metal colors are just rotting in the game files and unavailable to players for absolutely no reason.

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Would love to see their heritage armor simply color change to match their paints. Honestly, I am finding one mog I like for each character and sticking with it. paying 600+ gold just to change clothes is ridiculous, especially when something like SWTOR gives you tons of preset slots and there is NO charge for changing clothes.

What about the left over Naga from BC outland under Lady Vashj? I mean Illidan wound up being the good guy so wouldn’t that mean those naga weren’t the bad guys either? I mean heck Vashj was sent to the necrolords as a protector of the shadowlands.

Those were your folk, you can have them back.

Everyone blames the horde for almost anything, but the elves are the real problem. Haughty lil punks

That doesn’t make sense because, after the ‘visage’ form for Dracthyrs and Azshara showing she also has a visage form, anything is possible.

Everything has a solution…

For the Nagas > visage form

For the Centaurs > Cenarion buff (I mentioned this before) - Pegasus wings (or any other name), with them even being their own flying mount. And if someone says, ‘But what about mount collectors?’ – Just play another race, then. Simple.

For any other quadruped race > same as above.

Then there are races that would be ‘neutral’ in terms of mounts > gnolls, ogres, vrykul, jinyu, mok’nathal, etc.

‘But what about the equipment?’

For Nagas, Centaurs, or any quadruped > just like the Dracthyr’s visage form, certain slots might not exist, be replaced, or exist but simply wouldn’t be visible.

It’s possible – Blizzard just has terrible internal policies.

Let me share something a Brazilian who worked on a Blizzard cinematic mentioned in a video: they usually try to be cautious about anything that might make one race seem cooler than another, or even one class seem more impressive than others. Because of this, they try to balance how each race appears, whether it’s a representative character, a transmog, or an NPC. This is based on the principle that ‘we don’t want to end up giving one race too much emphasis, upsetting the ‘cool factor’ balance among the others.’

Hearing that made me quite upset…

Because I believe that playing as a Naga, a Centaur, a Gnoll, or an Ogre would be incredibly cool and could shift that ‘cool factor’ in the game. But FOR ME, the player deserves everything, and they should get to choose what to play as. I don’t agree with Blizzard’s philosophy on this.

Naga for Horde, Jinyu for Alliance = aquatic races covered :+1:t5::+1:t5:

Evoker don’t wear armor too

They can’t wear shoes, no feet.
They can’t wear belts, no waist.
They can’t wear pants, no legs.

Naga should simply remain on the “kill at will” list.

I know, and had you read further to the 19th post you would have seen

see naga can be a good choice

For some… I would never play them

No uh uh nope absolutely not! The Horde already has two too many elf races infesting it we don’t need a mutated one.

Fixed it for you…

No. Naga go to Alliance n make nice with their cousins the Night Elves.

Horde gets Ogres.

The Ogres can come with floaties so they can be a powerful Horde aquatic race though.

‘Naga go to the Alliance.’
Did you all forget what happened with Tyrande and the Nightbourne?
You honestly think that wouldn’t happen again, ESPECIALLY with the Naga?